
Chapter 810 – Responsibility

"I admit, my Sect might not be able to resist you," Sect Master Urgnah said, "but the Sect Alliance belongs to the Heaven Breaker Sect, and that's a power you can't fight!"

"Heaven Breaker Sect, huh?" Gravis asked with a smirk. "Is that the hidden overlord of the Sect Alliance? The one that you pay so many resources to?"

The Sect Master became surprised that Gravis knew that they were paying the Heaven Breaker Sect. Only the Sect Masters and Vice Sect Masters knew this! How did he know!? However, that didn't matter right now.

"So, you know," the Sect Master said with narrowed eyes. "Then you also know that you can't just do whatever you want here."

Instead of backing down, Gravis chuckled a bit. "I think you got something wrong."

"What?" the Sect Master asked with indignance. 
