
Chapter 14

I drag the garbage bag out, struggling to get it in the bin. I see Dad's car pull off the driveway.

I wipe my nose sadly with the back of my sleeve, going back in. I return to the corner.

If I knew I would have a brother like Sammy, I would've gone to an orphanage earlier.

Today is the worst day ever. On Saturday is suppose to be the day we get out with Dad and have fun. But here I am. Serving punishment after a good whooping. How it all started? Well....

I got out of bed feeling too excited for the day. I did my chores and help Mum with the list for the baby.

Sammy came strolling in the kitchen with a pout playing on his lips. His light brows were slightly furrow. He plopped on a sit beside me.

I glance at him once before going back to drawing. It was one of my best drawing as I was full on inspiration.

I drew paradise like in my dreams. Though I've been there, it sounds crazy, yeah.

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