
Chapter 172: Real Hagar


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Rein rushed hits on damage with the Golden staff, its ability to enlarge or reduce at command and combining it with Rossdao techniques.

'Its amazing' Rein was joyful as he continually hit Hagar.

'The Rossdao skill, I have to find the rest of it. And the rush of information in my head, its different from before, its like I have information of all the skills, the Rossdao consist of Unconventional movement that are meant to oppose all concept and laws of linear motion, hence it disobey a concept, I keep feeling like I'm belittling it for merely using it to beat him up.' Rein finally stopped. He belatedly paid attention to Hagar, who was looking all rough and tattered.

"Why don't you bring it out?" Rein asked.

"B-rring w-hat ou-ttt?" Hagar replied as he panted.

"Uhm...what is it again, black burning night one thousand or something, whatever it is just use it"

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