
Chapter 74. The guitarist with a sweet smile (3)

Chapter 74. The guitarist with a sweet smile (3)

{Kang Minyuk, the guitarist who added the spices on top of Lee Hyerin's voice. Who is he? Which agency does he belong to?}

{The last episode of Music nights reached a record 8.3% ratings. Lee Hyerin won over Kim Jisu and the appearance of a skilled guitarist.}

{Jaime, the guitarist of the band Steels, said 'Kang Minyuk is on par with me if we are just talking about skill'. Who is Kang Minyuk who is becoming a hot topic so quickly.}

{How did a small Hongdae singer became an overnight sensation? The history of Kang Minyuk. The conflict with his former agency!}

{Kang Minyuk first album 'Second chance'. When it would release?}

Lee Hyun looked over the top media headlines and couldn't help but smile. It's been two days since the broadcast, but the media was still focusing on Minyuk.

He felt good seeing all that as they were getting a lot of publicity for free.

'I don't think it would die down soon.'

Lee Hyun thought and closed the article he was reading. Then, he looked up at the real-time search rankings.

[Readers threatened writer for more chapters, 8th place.]

[Music nights, 6th place.]

[Lee Hyerin, 5th place.]

[Kim Jisu's lost against Lee Hyerin, 4th place.]

[Jaime's interview, 3rd place.]

[Second chance album, 2nd place.]


[The guitarist with a sweet smile, Kang Minyuk, 1st place.]

Lee Hyun felt enthralled seeing that. Even after two days, Minyuk's name was still on the first place. Netizens were looking for every information around him since he had become a hot topic..

Moreover, people have even given him a nickname - 'The guitarist with a sweet smile'.

This nickname has surfaced after many netizens had shared a screenshot of him, playing the guitar with a smile on his face during his performance.

For record, the word 'sweet' was added by the growing number of Minyuk's female fans.

"I never thought this would be the effect of a reality TV show..."

Lee Hyun muttered and closed the web browser.

Minyuk's name reached the top of the real-time search rankings. It was not like Lee Hyun had never thought this would happen.

He was actually confident that Minyuk would one day become popular, but it has happened too quickly.

Still, he doesn't have time to waste now.

Now that Lee Hyun had grabbed public attention, they needed to act fast. The release of his album was just around the corner, so they need to market it properly now.

There was also the matter of the debut stage and...

"Yes, yes, Producer, don't worry, we will take care of it. Ah, sure, there would be no problem with Minyuk appearing on your show after his album release...."

As Lee Hyun was thinking about all this, Kim Dongsu came in through the door.

It looked like he was talking with a Producer. He soon cut the call and sat down in front of Lee Hyun who asked,

"Were you talking with the Producer of Music nights?"

"Yeah, he wanted Minyuk to return to the show after his album release. Not as a guitarist, but as a singer."

"That's a quick growth."

Lee Hyun said with a smile and Kim Dongsu nodded his head with vigour.

"It looks like we don't need to spend a single cent on marketing with this. Minyuk is already on top of the search rankings and people are even curious about his album. It was a wise move to talk about his album in the end."

Kim Dongsu smirked and looked at Lee Hyun.

It was Lee Hyun's idea to discuss about Minyuk's album in the end.

When he had heard the balding Producer's plan to make Minyuk the focus of the show, he had immediately felt that it would attract attention.

There were many reasons behind it.

Lee Hyerin and Kim Jisu's rivalry, Minyuk making a mistake and then, his amazing performance with Lee Hyerin in the end. These points were enough to make the broadcast dramatic and that's what people like.

So, he had perceived that it was the perfect place to talk about Minyuk's album and make people interested in it.

And the results were far better than he had expected.

"I had never thought that it would become this big of a topic."

Lee Hyun said and slowly tilted his head.

"Well, we should be thankful that we live in Korea and not in some big country like China or India. It takes time for small topics to become big in big countries, but it's far easier in Korea."

Kim Dongsu said with a laugh and Lee Hyun continued his words.

"Because we are a small country."

"Yeah, it has its advantages and disadvantages, but it's working in our favour currently. Anyway, what have you thought of doing next?"

Kim Dongsu said and quickly changed the topic of discussion.

"We wanted to make Minyuk known to the masses, so that they would be interested in his album and the results are already something like a dream."

"Yeah, I think many people would buy his album now. We just need to release it."

"We need to choose a debut stage for him."

The matter of a debut stage was something that was concerning them for a long time. No Producer was willing to cast Minyuk on his show because he was an unknown singer.

But things were different now!

"Actually, some Producers contacted me today. They were asking about Minyuk's debut stage and how they were considering him for their music broadcast."

Lee Hyun laughed out loud when he heard that. He had already expected this to happen.

"They are saying that because he is a trending topic currently."

"Yeah, but the industry just works like this. Even that Producer Hwang from CTS called me and said that he is willing to let Minyuk make his singing debut on the stage."

"His show has good ratings, but I don't like how he treated us before."

"We have many options, so let's just go through them one by one and choose the best."

Both Lee Hyun and Kim Dongsu nodded their heads and talked about different things.

They talked about which music broadcast should be good and how they will market Minyuk as a musician instead of just a guitarist.

No matter what, the gears of Minyuk's career were finally moving in the right direction now.

If you are wondering why Jaime didn't accept that he was worse than Minyuk in the interview, then it was because he is a big celebrity and it won't look good if he accepted that.

Killerbeecreators' thoughts