
Some Kind of Confession

"I have barely escaped from the nurses and doctors care and am already falling under yours," Mikołaj said to Szwedas. "I thought this was the only time I would be able to feel independence."

"Independence, my ass" Stefan was clearly angry because he allowed himself to use not very beautiful words. "How do you feel, shouldn't you be in a wheelchair? You are so miserable ... "

"And hungry. I was only fed with drips and pills "complained Skrzynecki. "Only this morning I put something more than water in my mouth."

"Did they starve you?" Szwedas was indignant, but after a while he mastered himself. "True, it's normal in your situation. Can you eat now? You're not throwing up? "

"If what I am allowed to eat can be called food ..." Mikołaj sighed remembering the instructions he had received from the doctor. "I have heard that in the West, doctors do not impose such restrictions ..."

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