
Chapter 3: Teachers Be Crazy!

Peter swung back home from taking down Vulture, sitting down on his bed to sew the cuts in his hoodie and the spider on his chest before he snuck 2 bandages from the bathroom for the shallow cut on his chest and the deeper one on his arm.

The following morning, he tossed on a black hoodie, blue jeans and sneakers before he crammed some wheat-cakes down his throat and left, his Spider-Man costume in his backpack. He yawned on the bus, some shit by Three Days Grace blaring in his ears as he walked to the back of the bus, his feet kicked up on the back of the seat in front of him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Gwen walking towards him, a crimson redhead bombshell in tow. Peter rose an eyebrow and took his feet off the seat, because occasionally he did care about first impressions.

Gwen smiled. "Hey, Pete. This Mary-Jane Watson, she just enrolled in our school." She set her backpack next to her on the seat in front of Peter and then sat next to Peter.

Peter nodded a little, recalling his Aunt May mentioning the name Watson before. "Ah, so you're Mrs. Watson's niece. Aunt May keeps talking abut you." He offered his hand to shake.

Mary-Jane giggled and shook his hand. "Auntie does the same. But call me MJ, all my friends do." She sat on her knees, turned to face Peter and Gwen over the back of her seat. Peter smiled a bit and crossed his legs at the ankles

"Will do, MJ. This your first day?" He kept his right earbud in, Echo by Starset beginning to play. He subtly lowered the volume so he could still hear the girls. After some more small talk and getting to know the crimson beauty, the Peter split off from the other two and headed to his chemistry class with Dr. Connors. This was one of his favorite classes, actually. When he could, he fiddled with chemicals and a few other things to work out a few different applications for his webs. He didn't know yet if he could run out for whatever reason, so he experimented a bit to try to find a chemical equivalent. Nothing could probably replicate the versatility of his organic webs, but some way of using a chemical or gadget version could allow for potentially different types of webs. He was only able to get a few hypotheses in before he had to go to his next class.

5 boring classes later, the last class of the day, Peter was slowly heading to dreamland in the middle of his Math class when his tingle thing at the base of his skull went off. He spun in the direction it seemed to come from just in time to see a giant lizard in a lab coat come barreling through the wall of the class. On instinct, Peter scrambled back and out of the classroom. He couldn't help yet. "Get out! I'll go get everyone else safe!" He yelled to nobody, as he sprinted into the bathroom with his backpack. Maybe 5 minutes later, webs filled the corridors as Peter swung down at breakneck speed, zipping through the hole the Lizard had made. He landed in a crouch, a lizard-shaped hole on the other side. He made sure the class was safe, at one point discovering his really high strength when he lifted a chunk of wall off of a classmate of his. He zipped through the campus, on the hunt, until he spotted the Lizard, barreling towards...

His spider sense rang like a church bell in his head as 10 strands of webbing wrapped around both of the Lizard's arms to prevent him from probably eating both Gwen and MJ. Once they were out of the way thanks to him buying them time, he slingshotted himself that direction, truly being stupid and not paying attention to the Lizard's tail. The new Spider-Man caught the long green tail directly to the face and flew backwards, his upper back slamming into a badly placed tree. "Ohhh that's gonna hurt..." Peter got up with a groan, now face-to-face with the shiny teeth of the Lizard. "So, got cracked skin? Try Gold-Bond, half-off down the street at the CVS!" He zipped around the Lizard,, trying to find an opening. "And here's your coupon!" Or it would've been, had the Lizard not spun around and backhanded Peter into the fine arts building. He bounced across the tile floor, slamming into a very solid locker at the end of the hall. "OOF fuck!" Peter cursed. "Guess you don't want 50 percent off then!" He ran across the lockers, parallel to the floor, and zipped out of the building, his feet bouncing off of the Lizard's feet. From the jump, he zipped down and between the Lizard's legs, webbing up his tail and yanking it up and over his head, the weird change of balance sending the Lizard into a forced front flip to land hard on its back. Peter took that opening to flip forward and bring the heel of his shoe down on the Lizard's snout. The Lizard, still far bigger and stronger than Peter, snatched his leg following the kick and chucked him like an Olympic hammer-throw across the campus. Or he would've, if Peter's perfect sense of balance hand't kicked in, as he shot 5 webs out to a flagpole, his momentum swinging him around it at an absurd speed and velocity, as Peter came in with two feet to smash into the reptile's snout, actually breaking like 6 of its very sharp teeth. Peter did a handspring away and crouched in classic Spider-Man superhero landing. "Oof, you might wanna go see a dentist buddy. If not for the teeth, then maybe for the breath. Maybe a dermatologist too. Hell, make a day of it!" Peter sprang to the side to avoid an overhead tail swipe, a quick spurt of webs sticking the tail to the ground. Peter immediately ran up the tail, nailing the Lizard in the chin with a flying knee. On instinct, the Lizard lashed out with a claw and dug into Peter's shoulder as he was sent flying into a metal fence. He now had 4 really deep gashes in his shoulder. Groaning, he picked him self up off the ground, just as the Lizard massaged its jaw. He charged in Peter's direction, angry, but Peter did a one-handed cartwheel, bouncing up at the end to blind the Lizard with a shot of webs from his left index and middle finger, preventing it from avoiding crashing through the fence.

Peter landed hard on his back and shoulder, but he leaned up just in time for the Lizard to smash into the school's main AC unit. The Lizard stood there, being electrocuted for quite awhile, before the electricity died and the Lizard collapsed to the side. Peter groaned heavily and dragged himself to his feet, blood dripping down his arm from the shoulder gashes. He quickly left the scene, snatching his backpack from the school bathroom before he rushed home, praying that Aunt May and Uncle Ben were out.

Heya! Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Yes, I know Connors is the Lizard, but Peter does not, at least not yet. I has me some plans.

Stay tuned!

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