
CHPT 33: We will make you strong..

"Nobody we know?? What the hell kind of answer is that, Claude?" Samuel asked as he began to walk over to him.

"Don't fucking worry about it!" Claude answered as he shoved Samuel back to where he stood.

Claude was internally panicking as he thought about the possibility that the beast was somehow his father.

"Mr....Smith...what on earth...is happening." A short blonde female archer asked through silent cries as she kneeled next to the student Jack killed.

Mr. Smith turned to face the girl that asked the question, sweat made his bald head glisten and his lips quivered as he answered. "I...we must have entered a Deviant...of the Mythic level..that's the only Tangent w-w-werewolves are in....they're not supposed to speak."

The students in the small patch of forest all listened in shock as they began to fully realize how bad the situation they were in was.

"Wait, I remember my father telling me stories about Deviants...I thought they couldn't pose as anything other than a C rank Tangent or higher." Samuel said as he rubbed his arm where Jack ripped his armor off.

"That's the thing, they can't." Mr. Smith replied wearing an expression of pure horror.


A howl reverberated through the forest coming from behind them. The howl sent chills up their spines.

"Run!" Mr. Smith said as he took off ahead of the students he was tasked with protecting. They soon took off following behind him.

As they ran the length of the forest, the beast matched their speed with ease, showing up alongside them on their left and right running on all fours trying to keep them inside the forest.

"Why isn't it attacking us?" Ursula asked Claude as she ran beside him.

"It's....it's herding us." He replied. "Why would it be herding us...is it being controlled?" Claude wondered as he watched the beast scale the length of the uneven forest with terrifying grace.

Claude would soon realize why it was herding them.

The beast suddenly turned and ran towards the line of students forcing them out of the forest and into the tall grass clearing. They ran for a few more minutes until a black figure shot up from the tall grass and punched Claude, sending him a flying backwards.

Jack walked over to Claude with a monstrous grin on his beastial face, all his muscles tensed and relaxed constantly as he fought the urge to devour him.

"FoRrrr mY EAR....hUhHuHhUUh." Jack said to Claude in a broken and eerie monstrous tone before laughing and dashing back towards the other students.

Ursula stood between the students and the fast approaching beast that was Jack. She began to run towards him as she used her skill "(Mad Swing)".

"RAAAAAGH!" She yelled. The muscles in her right arm bulged in preparation to swing her battle axe and her eyes went completely white with rage.

"PUH!" The air was forced out of her as Jack came in and punched her in the gut, but not before Ursula slashed a thin line of red from his left hip to right shoulder. Ursula slowly closed her eyes as she fell to the floor, Jack didn't even acknowledge her.

Jack stepped over the unconscious head that was Ursula and continued his pursuit towards the students.

A young male knight let his fear consume him and decided to try and run while everyone was distracted.

As he turned and began to run a black mass of fur, muscle and fang tackled him before he could even take 3 steps.



The beast began to rip into the student in front of them all.

"HUHUHUHUHAHAHA!!!" Jack laughed loudly in his new voice as drool ran like water from his slightly opened jaws.

The students watched in horror realizing there was nothing on earth they could do to save themselves.

They all turned in fear as Jack walked towards them. They stepped back reactively and were startled by the beast snapping and growling at them territorially as blood flung from its red soaked snout.

They all shook with fear as Jack continued to take slow and silent predatory steps towards them. He walked up to the fear stricken Samuel and grabbed him by the shoulders.

"AhhHH saMUel....*SNIFF* WE wiLl MAKe youuuuu AnD youR BrOTHerrr stROng...and THeN WE wiLL PlaNT youuu BaCK INTO YoUR ReGaL hOmmME...LiKe a PoisonnNed SEed...ThAT groWS aT hIS....comMAND....iNFluencIng..FEEDING...and RecieVInG INfoRmatioN....huhuhUh... WELCOME TO THE PACK!!"



The group of students flinched as they watched Jack open his wolf-like jaws incredibly wide and bite the area between Samuels neck and shoulder.

Hey sorry for the short chapter, got caught up with something that didn’t leave me much time to write. Anyway thanks for reading and let me know what you think. Thanks for the powerstones NomiBarom!!!

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