
Chapter 11

After potions, we had defence against the dark arts. We reach the classroom and enter, only to see tons of painting of the professor himself.

"A bit egotistical, don't you think?" I ask, looking left to right.

"This class is gonna drag on." Ginny said, sighing at the room.

Everyone nods, and me, Ginny and Luna get a table together. Ginny was right it did drag, he talked about a vampire he subdued. But when I asked him what spell he used, he just replied by saying it was in his book. I really don't think he's done any of the things he wrote about. I don't even remember his name, not that it matters.

The rest of the day flew by and nothing really interesting happened. We sat in the Great Hall and Harry come up to us.

"How did you get Snape to give you house points?" He asked, with a 'I want to know' look.

"I just made the potion perfectly, that's all." I said, shrugging.

"But even Hermione couldn't get any points off him, and she's the best in our year." Harry said, he really is trying to hype her up.

"Maybe she just wasn't good enough?" I ask shrugging, not really caring about it.

I see tears start to form in Hermione's eyes. And I just sigh.

"Hermione you are only book smart, but for something like potions you need intuition, something you lack at this moment." I say, with brutal honesty.

She just held her head down and walked back to the Gryffindor table.

"That was too mean, Claire." Harry said, pissed off.

"It's better she knows now, so she can change. It's for her own good." I said, still not caring.

Harry stormed off to Hermione, and Ron just looks stunned.

"Do you really think she can change, Claire?" Ron asked, looking towards the Gryffindor table.

"Everyone can change Ron, it's just if she wants to change, that's the question." I say, looking over as well.

I see Harry comforting her, and just shake my head. She's not going to learn, with Harry afraid of hurting her feelings. I just turn away, stupid people. The evening post comes, and Luna got a magazine.

"What's that Luna?" I ask, looking at the cover.

"It's the magazine, my dad publishes." She said, handing it to me.

I look at it, it's called The Quibbler. Wow it's got some unique ideas, but this layout is terrible. I think I'll draw up a new layout, Mr Lovegood could use. I give Luna back her magazine, and I see Kuro in front of me.

"Sorry girl, I didn't see you." I said patting her head.

I take the letter and see thin slanted writing. I open it and it's from Dumbledore, he wants me to go see him in his office. And it says he likes sherbet lemons. Password maybe or he wants me to bring sherbet lemons, I'm going with password. I show Ginny, and we exchange looks. So I decided to eat fast and head to his office.

I say goodbye to Ginny and Luna, then head off. I take some of the shortcuts, dad told me about. I end up in front of a gargoyle.

"Um sherbet lemon." I say, and the gargoyle jumped aside and revealed a moving spiral stair case. I jump on and waited. It stop at a grand door, I knock and hear a come in. I open the door and see Dumbledore behind his desk, with an ill looking bird.

"You called professor?" I asked.

"Yes I need your help, it's embarrassing to say but I lost the diary." He said, looking down.

"How it's not possible for a human... it was a house elf that stole it." I say, remembering a book I read saying house elf's can use magic that humans can't.

"Exactly, the paintings of the former heads, saw a house elf take it. I fear it might be in the wrong hands Miss Black." He said

"Well that thing had something evil about it, so I'm guessing you want me to keep my eyes out for a sign of it?" I asked, knowing my eyes are the only ones that could find it.

"Yes, but I also wanted to warn you, we don't know what this thing does." Dumbledore said.

But I can't help but think he's being entirely truthful, there is something he's hiding.

"So I need you to be on the lookout, sorry for putting this on you." He said with a sad smile.

Thanks for reading the chapter.

Any and all feedback is welcome.

I’m going to skip most classes, so it will be on the short side while in school.

Spirit_of_Impuritycreators' thoughts
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