
Journey to Duststar.

"Come in." Blake said as Ashely walked into the office, with 2 folders in her hands.

Ashely was a beautiful dark-skinned woman in her early twenties, Standing tall and proud at a height of 5'10 feet. 

She had almond-shaped eyes and full lips, with jet-black hair that cascaded down her back. 

"Colonel Darius is summoning you to his office." Ashely said to Blake.

"Why didn't he just contact me directly? " Blake asked. 

"I was to drop these files a few offices away, so he said I should call you on my way. Don't know why he did so." Ashely shrugged. 

"Alright, I'll be on my way then." Blake said as he closed the file on his table and stood up. 

'I wonder why he is calling me.' Blake thought as he knocked on the Colonel's door before walking into the office. 

"You sent for me Sir!" Blake saluted.

"Yes, please take a seat." Darius gestured for him to a seat. 

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