
Salt to injury?

'There are 3 tunnels ahead, this is the best time for us to split up after we deal with these ants.' Bradly thought as the vibrations produced from the footsteps of the ants created an image of the area ahead.

Bradly and his teammates were sick and tired of Blake's team taking everything and leaving them with scraps, especially since it was their mission.

The problem was that the formation and sharing system were all proposed by himself and they had agreed on it. So going back on his word could invite a lot of punishments from the adventurer association.

'The only problem is that with so many exit points, there is no way the entire colony wouldn't be alerted, but this is way better than letting them take everything.' Bradly thought as he gave his team hidden signals that there was danger ahead as they continue walking forward.

'He knows about the danger ahead, but he didn't care to inform us because he wants all the spoils to himself.' Brian said.

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