
Chapter 546: In a Dream-2

Ian watched Mina push her food around her plate, clearly not hungry or unwilling to eat. He cleared his throat, which snapped her vacant gaze toward him. He lifted his fork and extended it to her before putting it in his mouth, trying to subtly coax her into eating. He felt guilty when he was distracted by the pleasant taste.

When Mina still showed no interest, Ian reminded her that her next meal would be prescribed by a doctor. In response, she shakily started to lift the fork in an attempt to eat. He did his best to ignore the tears that were streaming down her face, because he was almost positive that she was awake, but her mind was still in the dream. Whatever it was that was haunting her, she was not just reliving it in her sleep, she was reliving it in her waking life as well.

Ian had a good memory, but he knew Mina's ability to recollect past detail was uncanny. Save for the night that they were drugged, she was able to recall moments in her life that other people would find too insignificant to remember.

After breakfast, Ian took Mina to his study. The fact that they were still in night clothes did not even cross his mind as he rolled his chair away and pushed her wheelchair in its place. He opened the files on his desk and told her that she was right; someone was embezzling from his company, and he had been able to trace it back four years.

Mina picked up the file in front of her and scanned her eyes over it. The numbers she was reading served to pull her mind from the torment of the taunting expression that her sister wore, and from everything else that followed. She looked up at President Lee, confused as to what he wanted her to do. The embezzled money was probably already spent, and no matter how many numbers she crunched, she could not magically recover it or tell him who the person was.

"I know what you are thinking, but I don't want you to figure out how much was stolen. I want you to help me set a trap for the person stealing it." Mina's face drooped, she knew what would happen when the culprit was caught, and she could not help but to sympathize with the individual. "Don't do that. You are not the same. There is not one person under my employ who is lacking in resources. Even our janitors make three times as much as normal because we want to prevent situations like this. Whoever is stealing from us; if they are not being forced to do it, is just being greedy."

"W- what if they have a sick relative and can't aff-" President Lee held up his hand.

"That wouldn't happen either. We have comprehensive benefits for all our staff." Mina tried to think of another argument, but the only thing that popped out was greed. She suddenly found herself wondering how much janitors at the Lee group made, and why she had not applied for the position. President Lee seemed to read her thoughts because he started to answer her unasked question. "All staff must sign a nondisclosure regarding benefits and wages." Mina nodded and went back to stare at the paperwork, trying to spot a pattern.

"I can do it, but it will not be in a day. I have to figure out how they are manipulating the numbers, and without the original spread, it will be as if I'm making an educated guess."

"Take all the time you need." Ian went to leave his study, wanting to let Mina work in peace. He would have loved nothing more than to crowd around her, but he knew she needed space.

"Wait." Ian stopped in his tracks, turning to the woman. She looked worried and he thought for a minute that she wanted him to stay. "Whose room am I staying in?" his face paled.

"Mina you have to understand; this house is big, but it only has six bedrooms."

"President Lee." Mina knew the man was stalling, but she felt like she already knew the answer to her question, she just wanted confirmation.

"It's one of the safest rooms in the house." Mina's brow raised, she noticed the man was skirting around the question, but he was not as good as she was.

"President Lee, am I staying in the Mrs. den?" Ian flinched, he did not want Mina to think that, because it would frighten her and it was wrong. Mrs. dens were so outdated that absolutely no one built them anymore. It was a trend during a time where engaged couples lived together in the weeks leading up to marriage. It allowed the woman to warm up to her husband so that she would not feel completely uncomfortable after the wedding. The fact that Mina even mentioned it was embarrassing to Ian, but the purpose of the room where she was staying was no better.

"It was intended to be a nursery." Mina's frown deepened, and while Ian did not like the conversation they were having, he was at least relieved she was not a zombie anymore.

"Miss Lisa is going to kill me because of you." Mina looked back down at the paperwork on the desk, not even fazed by her own admission. She could not believe President Lee could put her in a room where his future children were meant to sleep, but it now made sense why there was a hidden door. It was for parents, and it was probably not sound proofed so a crying child could be heard through it.

"Mina, you know Lisa had nothing to do with Ren Loam, right?" Mina nodded, she understood that the man was there to meet with Cylus, he had told her himself. He had said many things to her in the few minutes that they were alone.

"Maybe, but she was one of three people who knew where I was going to be. I don't think Zane told those men where they could find me, and you claim to be innocent, so that leaves me with just one suspect." Ian had actually drawn the same conclusion, but Lisa's phone was still being tapped, and Cam had been going through hours of conversation. She did discuss Mina, but it was always with Luna, and the conversations were brief mentions of Mina's alleged promiscuity.

"Mina, if you know something. I'm hoping you will trust me enough to tell me." Ian watched the woman breathe deeply.

"I'm working on it."


Mina was crying, Ren's fist was held high in the air, and she was latched onto his arm, begging him not to hit her sister. Sadie had thrown herself over Troy, who was still on the ground in a bloody mess. Both she and Sadie were speaking over one another, but Ren was staring at her. He looked as though he had only just registered what he had done.

"Do you know what they were planning?" Mina ignored the question and pulled Ren away from her sister.

"It doesn't matter. Let's just leave okay?" Ren nodded and Mina looked back at her sister who mouthed the words 'thank you.' They had not spoken since their fight, but Mina could not just watch her sister get hurt no matter how angry she was.

"What does she see in him?" Ren asked, slamming his fist into a wall repeatedly, making Mina jump in fear. "Sorry," he whispered. "I just don't understand why she chose him."

"Love cannot be forced Ren. It's why you did not choose me. For you its Sadie, but for Sadie its Troy." Ren was staring at her, studying her face and Mina felt a lump in her throat.

"How can you just forgive them so easily?" Ren's voice trailed off and Mina was awakened by the shaking of President Lee. She screamed loudly before gagging from the memory.

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