
A normal day at school

"All right everyone, it's good to see that none of you were injured in our previous confrontation with the villains." said Aizawa hearing which some of the students smiled.

"But the battle is still not over." said Aizawa in a serious tone.

"Huh? You do you mean more villains?" asked Kirishima making most of the students frown.

"The UA sports festival is about to start." said Aizawa in a serious tone.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SCARING US LIKE THAT!!!" yelled the whole class as Aizawa just ignored his students and started explaining about the importance of the event.

Once he was done he sighed and asked, "Any questions?"

And after looking around for a while he saw one of his students raising his hand to ask something.

Aizawa stared at his student for a while and said, "You know, I really don't want to know what your question might be."

Shun who was raised his hand smiled and said, "Really? Too bad you are a teacher. That's your job."

"Ugh...all right what do you wanna ask? And what part of my simple and easy to understand lecture on the very famous UA sports festival you don't understand?" asked Aizawa.

"Is it really compulsory for all students to take part in it?" asked Shun shocking everyone in the classroom making all his classmates and teacher look at him with surprised look on their faces.

"Hey, are you for real?"

"This is an opportunity for you to show your abilities to the pros out there."

"Kazami....do you want to skip the sports festival?" asked Aizawa.

"Now now I didn't say anything like that." said Shun.

"...It's mostly compulsory for all students to take part in the sports festival. Though exceptions like suffering from an injury or having an important personal matter to attend are there. Though considering how good our medical staff is...." said Aizawa.

"Hmm...so, pretend injuries are a no go, and grandma will force me to join the event if she knew that I am skipping. It will be a hassle to deal with." muttered Shun.

"So you really were planning to skip it." said Aizawa as he sighed and said, "Take some matters seriously. It will be better for your future."

Aizawa looked at Shun for one last time and then left the the class soon after that a lot of students started discussing about the sports festival.

"Hey, what was that about skipping the sports festival?" asked Momo who was sitting behind Shun.

"Well, I just don't like too much spotlight, that's all. And since I have a habit of wanting to be at the top. I will end up gathering a lot of attention." said Shun.

"Hmm....those are very contradictory statements." said Momo.

"Yeah, I know. But those are very true for me." replied Shun making the girl even more confused.

"Oi!" said Bakugo as he slammed his hand on Shun's desk.


"Don't you dare ditch the event. I will beat you there in front of everyone and show who the no.1 really is." said Bakugo.

"Katsuki.....you still owe me for the burger. When are you gonna return my money?" said Shun.

"You bastard!!! Argh!!! I will return it tomorrow!!!" said Bakugo with an angry tone as he he raised his hands and started making small explosions.

"Haha, I hope you do. Afterall you won't like others to know about Katsumi-ch-"

"Shut up!!! Or I will kill you!!!" yelled Bakugo with an embarrased look on his face and then went back to his seat.

"I am always surprised how easily Kazami is able to handle Bakugo." said Sero hearing which the others nodded as well.

"All right everyone back to your seats! We still have our class." said Midnight as she entered the classroom and immediately all the boys got seated without making any noise and focused on their teacher. The girls seeing that sighed and just shook their heads.

"You really get energetic in her class." whispered Mono.

"It's just my hormones guiding me." replied Shun with a smile as he looked at the girl behind him and then looked forward.


Once some classes were over and the lunch break arrived the students started coming out of their classes and started heading towards the cafeteria.

"Hey Shun, you coming?" asked Tokoyami.

"Yeah- hmm...hello.... all right." said Shun as he suddenly got a call.

"Head ahead of me I have something to do." said Shun.

"What happened?" asked Shoto.

"Don't know, but if my guess is correct then Aizawa sensei's sleeping bag will go missing for a few days." said Shun as he went out of the class and headed towards the infirmary.

And just as he guessed Aizawa relayed Shun's kind intentions of skipping the sports festival to Chiyo which resulted in a lecture from the old lady.

After finally being able to get out of Chiyo's grasp Shun headed to the cafeteria and soon noticed how awfully crowded it already was.

"Well, whatever." said Shun as he headed to the counter to get his meal ticket.

After getting his meal Shun started looking around the cafeteria to find a spot for himself and seeing that none of his classmates had any vacant seats near them Shun continued his search.

"Oh! Kendo's and Monoma's friend what happened? Trouble finding a spot?" asked one of class 1-B's student.

"Oh...umm...Setsuna Tokage, right? Yeah got any seats at your table?" asked Shun as he immediately used appraisal on the girl to know her identity.

"Huh, you know me? Wow, that's great. And yeah, sure we have a spot left." said Setusna as she pointed gave a thumbs up with a smirk on her face.

"Can I sit there?" asked Shun.

"Sure~" said Setusna and led Shun along with her.

Both of them headed towards the table and Shun was glad that he finally got a seat to eat. He really was not a fan of eating while standing and if possible he would not do that either.

"Hey guys. Kendo's friend is joining us as well." said Setsuna grabbing the attention of the people sitting on the table.


"Shun!" said Pony with a cheerful tone as she saw one of her friends approaching her.

"Finally, today I will have no problems conversing with others while having my lunch!" said Pony with a happy look on her face seeing which Shun sighed and said, "You should try to learn Japanese as well." said Shun as he took the seat beside the American transfer student."

"I am trying." said Pony.

"Hello everyone I am Shun Kazami Itsuka's and Neito's middle school friend." said Shun as he introduced himself to the others who were sitting on the table.

After which the others started introducing themselves to Shun as well as they felt it was fine to interact with him since he was Itsuka's friend.

"Hey Shun.... those boys are glaring at you." whispered Pony though the other people were easily able to hear her and chuckled after hearing what she said.

"Oh, so you really can speak a bit of Japanese. You are improving. As for them. Just ignore them it would better." said Shun.

"Hmm....but why are they glaring at you?" asked Pony with a curious look on her face.

"Well considering that I am sitting on a table solely occupied by girls....it's already better that they are just glaring and not taking any actions or making a scene out here." said Shun as he continued to eat his meal.

"By the way where is Itsuka?" asked Shun to the other girls as he was not able to find the ginger head anywhere nearby.

"Eh? Asking about another girl when there are already these many around you? You sure are a greedy one huh, Kazami." said Setsuna with a smirk.

"As for me." said Itsuka who stood behind Shun holding a tray in her hand.

Shun turned around and saw the ginger head who was looking at him with a smile.

"Aren't you enjoying too much?" asked Itsuka feeling a bit pissed seeing Shun surrounded by the girls.

"Not really the glares annoy me a bit. And by seeing how you arrived just now, I suppose this table didn't had a free seat to begin with?" asked Shun as he looked at Setsuna who had a grin on her face.

Shun sighed and then used his customize create and immediately the whole table shined startling the people near him.

Soon the glow died down and a slightly larger table with a new chair beside Shun's appeared.

"Go on, join us." invited Shun with a smile seeing which Itsuka sighed and shook her head and sat beside Shun who ate silently totally ignoring the startled look on the faces of other students.

Soon after that the lunch continued with Shun talking with the students of 1-B as he had to translate a lot of stuff for Pony making him join the conversation as well and once it was over they returned back to their classes.

The classes continued like normal though Shun getting stares from a lot of boys in the class who most likely saw him having lunch with the girls from class 1-B.

Once the school was over and the students started heading back to their homes some of the students started making a fuss making Shun turn around to look what was happening and noticed that a lot of people were gathered outside his class.

He was about to go and ask what was happy but his phone started ringing diverting his attention from the crowd.

"Hello, Miyuki? Oh, where should we meet-" Shun who picked up the phone started talking to Miyuki who was telling him about the plan of treating him to ramen that he promised in the morning.

While talking to him Shun started walking towards the entrance of his class and saw Bakugo saying something but just ignored him and continued forward.

"Standing in front of the crowd Shun expected the people to make way but notice that they were not moving.

"Hold for a bit Miyuki. Hey can you guys move aside. And you there stop peeking under that girl's skirt." said Shun as he pointed his finger at one of the people in the crowd who was very short and had purple ball like hair on top of his head.



Just as the girl screamed the people started making ruckus as they immediately moved away from the small ball haired boy who was immediately glared at by the girls.

Not wanting to bother with them Shun walked out of the classroom seeing that the way was clear and just continued on his way while talking to Miyuki leaving behind a group of angry girls and surprised classmates who were wondering if their was ever a situation when their class president loses his cool.

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