
Lost And Found

I decided to contact Coraline for the information of the Lycan's.

"Hi Cora."

"Hello Sha, gosh where are you?" I could feel the worry in her voice.

"It doesn't matter. You need to tell me what are this filthy Lycans." I said in distaste.

"Oh, well Lycans are higher wolves they were like Royals in the werewolf world but they have much differences to an ordinary wolf." Cora said.

"What is it?"

"Lycans heal just like humans unlike werewolf that heal fast but they have powers that was blessed by the Moon Goddess."

"Weaklings." I muttered.

"Haha. They're not actually weaklings Sha. They are wolves that the Moon Goddess chose herself to become a Lycan which means that they have strength, wisdom and especially a purpose."

"Can you give me an example of their purposes."

"You're so eager to know. Well, umm just like many centuries ago they were requested to kill a Lamia. Town folks said that they are demons sent to destroy the earth so they could reign but there are gossips that the Lycan's kill the Lamia's because Lamia's are powerful creatures and they threaten the Lycan's gift of power. It's in our history class back in my younger days." Cora explain.

"Oh, what do you believe in?" I ask.

"I've never seen a Lamia before because does stupid Lycans might kill each one of them once they appear so I don't believe that Lamia's are demons but I believe that Lycans are monsters." Cora said.

"Thanks Coraline for your help and also I might not be able to contact you through 'Zero'."

"Why?" Cora whimpered.

"There's no need to know. I'm sorry." I apologize.

"Oh, one more thing, they're immortal." Cora added.

"Thanks." I closed our connection. I don't remember my past but I think I might be more careful with them. I just need to focus now.

I immediately go again to the territory of Nat and as I'm near there, I close my eyes and try to feel the connection of my left eye and when I open my eyes I saw a green line that leads me to my eye but others won't see it.

Without wasting my time. I hurriedly follow the line as I cautiously avoid the werewolves but to my dismay some wolves smell the blood in me which is David's blood and they reported it to their stupid Alpha Nathan. Some pack warriors are running towards me but they couldn't match my pace.

The green line leads me inside the  museum in the far end. I enter and all the people  look at me with horror. I can't blame them, blood coated my clothes and I look like sh*t especially when my right eye glows.

I growl loudly, so loud that it shakes the ground.

"OUT!!!!!!!!!" I yelled so loud that they scramble off to the entrance. The warrior wolves are behind me.

I sprint towards where the green line goes. I could feel it, the throbbing of my right eye as it felt the bond of my left eye.

I ended up in an empty huge room with only a female statue in the middle holding a bouquet of roses.

The green line stops there then vanished which means that somewhere in that statue holds my eye.

As quickly as I could, I punch the head of the statue as it flew over the place but there's no sign of my eye. Then next to the neck down to it's stomach but there's still no sign.

I look at the bouquet of roses and smile evilly.

I quickly but slowly punch it as it makes a crack revealing a glowing light from my left eye.

I cracked it open and reveal my eye inside the crystal case. Slowly open it and took my eye. With my trembling hands I take away 'Zero' and instantly put my left eye, pain I could feel pain in my head towards my eyes but it feels amazing to be complete again.

My body trembled and the bones in my feet cracks forming a new bone structure. My hair turns black and wavy which is my original hair and my skin turns pale but not a deadly pale with a few mark scales. My green eyes change it's shape and my sharp fangs came out. When I'm about to complete my transformation the door burst open and reveal Nat with Drake, Jack and Coraline by his side and some pack warriors.

Nathan's Pov.

I just finished destroying my office again when I received the mind link of my pack that a bloody blonde girl is running crazily in our territory and that bloody blonde girl is Kanisha.

At first I was shock that she's back here in my territory after what I did to her which I regretted  everyday.

I'm devastated that I lost control over myself and let pride take over and worst of all is when I tried to kill her or really killed her.

I'm happy because I could finally see her again after searching for her the day she was gone and I want to apologize to what I did and make it up to her.

Running through the door I mind link Drake and Jack which his mate Cora is with him to come with me with some pack warriors just in case something bad happens to why my mate is coated with blood and concern lace in my system.

Who ever the  f*ck hurt my mate will surely gets it's death wish.

We follow the scent of my mate in the museum with the mix of blood. Some of my people we're crying and concern lace on their faces. Since the day my mate escape, my pack became aware of what they've done and felt guilty.

A pack needs a Luna to balance the environment of the pack and help controlling the she-wolves as well as the male wolves in short a pack can't survive without a Luna but most of all I needed her. It's not that I need her to get what I want but I need her by my side to rule. My wolf need her. I need her with me.

I love her.

Yes, I love her the first time I saw her in the beach. I love everything about her even if she was a human and my pack despise humans. Fate choose her as my other half yet I let my reputation get ahead of me and f*cked up.

Once I had her again I will never let her go.

I run faster towards the door in one of the rooms here in the museum when I heard a noise coming from inside so I burst the door open to find out what's happening to my mate when an unpleasant surprise caught my eyes.

A woman with black hair with green glowing eyes appeared but the most disturbing is her lower body.

She stands tall by her lower half which slowly transforms to a black scaly snake skin. Her hair covered it's scaly breast, snake eyes and pale skin which makes a perfect description of a...

"Lamia." I muttered under my breath.

Fear is evident in all of us as we freeze in out position because a Lamia is here in our territory eyeing us as if we are her prey.

Lamia's have a very disturbing history which is both evil and dangerous. They are known to swallow their prey whole just like a snake and have incredible powers that could destroy the world that's why the Lycans were killing every Lamia alive to maintain peace and balance. They are now rare and instinct and barely even seen so it's quite a shock to see one in this room.

My attention snap back when she hissed at us showing her pointed fangs that drips deadly poisons.

I step back not wanting to make her angry but I realize I haven't seen Kanisha but her scent is here but slowly fading away as her rose scent was replaced by the scent of Lime which gives my wolf a happy dance and that confuses me.

My conclusion hits me as I look at the Lamia wide eyes then to it's stomach. No doubt she ate my mate that's why Kanisha is bloody because of this monster.

Anger builds inside me as I snarl loudly at her but she only glare at me. No one dare to move as if afraid that one single tiny movement can end their life and I can't blame them. Even I was frightened by her.

"Where is she?" I slowly ask with venom in my voice but cautious. I know it's a stupid question to ask but I have a tiny hope that Kanisha is not here.

She tilted her head and smirk as her snake half glide in the marble floor.

Damn, she's too big and has a long snake body which surely 60 meters long.

"Why do you care?" She said and chuckle a little.

Her voice is so melodic that calm even the strongest storms and those small laugh is like a siren leading her prey into the depth of the ocean. My wolf wants to claw out and ran towards this monster.

This is a trick. An illusion.

I glare at her which she smirk as she look at me and to the other side.

She's looking at Jack's mate who is kneeling on the ground with silent tears in her cheeks and Jack didn't know what to do which earn a frown on this monster's face.

I was about to question when one of the guards cautiously ran towards.

"Alpha, there are rogue's trespassing our territory." He  whispered.


I look back at the Lamia as she roamed around the room as if she isn't sensing any danger.

Weighting my decision whether or not I will challenge this Lamia or the safely of my pack but before I could decide a loud cry erupted outside and the howls of my pack make me dash and shifted, ready to slaughter every damn rogues. Leaving the Lamia away and my heart ache at the thought of my beautiful mate missing.
