
7. Ruthlessness and love

Suvama started preparing for marriage with body and mind. From morning till dusk, she would get involved in the business of marriage. Sushila would follow her orders like a cherry. Munshi Sanjeevanlal kept on filtering the haat dust from dawn to dusk - and Virjan, for whom all these preparations were being done, cried day and night while sitting in his room. Nobody had so much leisure to entertain him for a moment. Even Pratap now considered him stubborn. Pratap's mind also became very dirty these days. The dawn of the morning came home in the evening and sat silently on his munder. He had sworn to go to Virjan's house. But whenever she saw it coming, she would move secretly. Even if I sat listening and saying something, I would turn around and behave in such a way that Virjan would start crying and say to Suvama, Auntie, Lallu is angry with me, I call, then I do not speak. You walk. Saying this, she would go to bed and pull Suvama's lap and bring it to Pratap's house. But Pratap would run away on seeing both. Till the door of the tree came saying, 'Lall, take a little sun, you will take our oath' Listen up But when he would not listen nor look back, the poor girl would sit on the earth and cry bitterly - why are they angry with me? I never said anything to him. Suvama gets him by the chest and explains - son! Let go, Lallu is mad. He came to know something about the ruthlessness of his son.


The diagnosis lasted only five days for the marriage. Relatives and relatives started coming from Dar and nearby. Sandar pavilion took place in the courtyard. Bracelets were tied in hand. This raw thread bracelet is a handcuff of the sacred religion, which will never go out of hand, and the pavilion is a monument to the shadow of love and grace that will not arise from the head for life. Today, in the evening, the months went by to worship Suvama, Susheela, Maharajine, the new Mittaka Devi.

Virjan got upset and came out of his house and reached Pratap's house. Quiet silence was overshadowed by a dim light in Pratap's room. When Virjan comes into the room, what does she see that the lantern is burning on the table and Pratap is sleeping on a cot, his day is withering and muddy in the dim light. Books are spread. It seems as if no one has opened this room for months. This is the same Pratap who considered cleanliness dear. Virjan wanted to wake him up. But thinking about something, she started picking up books from the land and kept them in the almari. The dust bush on the table, lifted the curtain from the pictures. Suddenly Pratap took a turn and this sentence came out of his mouth - Virjan! I can not forget you.' Then after a while - Virjan! Virjan! Where do you go, sit here. Then changing sides - will you sit? Okay, go, I won't even speak to you. ' Then some standing here in the sky - 'Good, go, see where you go. Saying this, he leapt, like a runaway man had to beat a person, Vishwan's hand got into his hand. Eyes went with him. For one minute, his sentiment remained towards the face of zero vision. Then this chowbaka sat up and left the hand of the vision, when you Arya, Vishn: I had just lost your dream.


Virjan wanted to speak, but the gorge was filled and eyes filled up.

Pratap again looked here and there and said - did you clear all this? You were very sorry Virjan did not answer anything about this. Pratap-Virjan, why don't you forget me? Virjan looked at him with wet eyes and said - have you forgotten me? Pratap shrugged and lowered his head. For a while, both looked at the land filled with emotion. Then Virjan asked - Why are you angry with me? Have I committed a crime? Pratap - I don't know why I see you now, so I want to go somewhere. Virchanan: Do you not like me at all? I cry all day long. You don't pity me You do not even speak to me. Tell me what I told you that you were angry? Pratap - I am not angry with you. Virjan - So why not speak to me? Pratap - I want you to forget me. You are rich, your parents are rich, I am an orphan. What about you with me?


Virjan - Till now you had never figured this out, have I become more wealthy now?

Vision started crying after saying this. Pratap too moved, said - Virjan! Ours was yours for days. Now the days of disconnection have come. In a few days you will leave your people and leave your in-laws. Will leave at that time. Therefore, how much I want that you do not want your words to be remembered, they do not believe. Now Sotsote was dreaming of you.

(here is your next chapter guys enjoy this with new mishtry 🤔🤫🤔)

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