
Evil Angel II

Morgana arrived first at the swamp. Landing softly on a moss covered branch, her body felt light as air, up until she took a look at her surroundings.

All around, the silent trees were twisted and dark, their knotted stems covered with moss, with stringy vines crisscrossing between them. Some were as thin as hair and others were thick enough to connect one tree to the next, creating a confusing web that made it difficult to tell where the swamp ended or began.

Morgana sighed.

She scanned through the foggy air, eager to make sure she was the only monster present, but she soon realised the entire swamp had an unusual air.

When she looked up, the branches were covered with crisscrossing vines so thick, she could barely make out the tops of the trees beyond them. And although nothing moved, its vines pulsated ever so slightly beneath the moss, with a reddish hue that reminded her of a freshly beating heart.

But how could a swamp bleed?
