
Introducing the Squad.

'What do I do with these two?'

Adam was conflicted. He had enough trouble with the world going to hell in a hand basket, now he had to deal with girls.

'Maybe I shouldn't have promised Lilith instead. I shouldn't have given in to her insistence.'

Adam lamented the past, but he could not do anything about the things that happened years ago.

'Sigh. Well, Eve will just have to wait. Just like our situation before.'

He thought that Eve will be patient because she has been in the past. Just like Eve, Adam was also patient whenever the opposite happens. However, Adam did not factor in Eve's longing from a thousand years of separation.

'She'll be fine.'

Those were Adam's last thoughts before he slept once more. He may not have injuries and not much mental fatigue, he still needed rest.

Adam did not take the fact that he's been asleep for a month easily since his dream of the past did not scale together with real-world time. The dream did not last a day but somehow it took him 1 month to wake up.

As Adam fell asleep. His pure white room was suddenly tinged with a blue light. The shining blue light came only from one source and it was from Talyn's eyes.

"We will be waiting."

A voice said out of nowhere. The sound did not come from the marten's mouth as it was phantasmal. No one witnessed the phenomenon and it soon faded into the night's silence.

The morning after, Adam woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he saw two pairs of eyes staring at him.

"Good Morning!" Eve said with delight.

"Are you feeling okay now?" Lilith asked with worry.

Both of them were staring at his face when he barely opened his eyes. Adam did not like this situation, not at all.

'I locked the door, didn't I?' He thought.

His eyes held confusion as he stared at the door handle. Unlike Adam's expectation, the door was not broken. That could only mean one thing.

"Who gave you guys the keys to this room?" Adam asked without moving one bit.

"I did." Jenny replied from outside Adam's peripheral.

"Oh. You were here, Mom?" Adam looked at the voice's origin and said.

Jenny nodded at his words. She stood from her chair and walked towards Adam.

"C'mere." Jenny said as she opened her arms.

Adam sat up and looked at his mother. He moved his body forward to meet his mom's and accepted her embrace.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, mom."

Adam said solemnly. He was apologetic because he did not take care of himself, which worried other people.

Jenny did not reply. She simply shrugged and continued holding Adam in her embrace. She used one of her hands to pat his back and she used the other one to rub the top of his head.


Adam looked up at his mother who did not reply to his words. He saw that his mother had tears flowing on her face. Jenny did not need to say anything yet Adam understood that she was the one that worried about him the most.

"I'm sorry."

Adam looked down and said his apologies once again. He rested his head on Jenny's embrace and let her continue. After a while, the pats ceased and she let go of Adam.

"I'm home." Adam said as he looked into her eyes.

"Welcome back." Jenny tearfully said.

The scene ended on a happy note. Though it ended prematurely because a nurse forced everyone out to do some examinations on Adam's health, it was still a happy ending for Adam's recovery.

The Vault's workers were doing their best to improve the place. The walls were to be fortified with steel and the expansion was already underway. The Vault also changed its layout. The lodgings were to be placed in the inner part of the Vault and the ones near the walls were auxiliary enterprises. The market was still in the centermost area though.

Adam was released from his patient status a day later. The body examinations showed clearly that he had a healthy body constitution but the medical staff wanted to make sure that Adam had enough rest.

Things were calm, but for now, there were no expeditions for the military. It was a reasonable directive by Johnny, the Vault's director. He wanted to make the residents feel safe so that they could work in peace. Therefore, he also cut-off any and all sorts of outside communication aside from his own.

And after 2 months of rigorous work, the Vault's expansion finally finished.

"This is such a wide space, I wonder what will be put here."

Brian's voice resounded within a group of people.

"Hmm. Don't you think that there will be a couple of new stores here?" A young male replied. He was wearing a military outfit just like Brian.

"What about a new military storage area?" Adam joined the conversation.

"A pleasure palace?"

"A gaming center!"

Adam, Brian, and Adam's unit were discussing the newly furbished area. It was still empty but it already had infrastructure set up. That would mean that there were plans for it already.

'Wait. I can just ask grandpa.' Adam thought. He shook his head at that thought as he thinks it would only bore him.

"Hey Georgie, what do you think?" Brian asked the last guy who remained silent throughout the conversation.

"A new training area." Georgie frankly said. He closed his mouth and it did not open again.

Georgie was the silent type. He always stayed at the back and had a negligible presence especially because of his short stature.

"Hmm. That's a nice one. But don't you want a gaming center?" The voice from earlier chimed in.

"Don't you think that's improbable, Gordon?" Brian replied.

"Come on! Hey, Adam! Tell your grandpa to make it into a game center." Gordon said as he put his arm over Adam's shoulder.

Gordon was an alpha-male type. He was the tallest in the group and his blonde hair was strikingly bright.

"Give it a rest, Gordon." Another guy retorted Gordon. It was Morgan, Gordon's brother from another mother. While Gordon had blonde hair, Morgan was a brunette. He was also on the shorter side.

"I don't really know. Grandpa has not shared anything about the plans for this place at all. All we know is that there's a large shipment of metal and tech coming in next week."

Adam replied. That was all he knew. The plans for the area's development was not made public yet, and Johnny has kept things under wraps.

"I guess that means that its a development space for heavy machinery then?" The usually silent Georgie said.

"Hmm. Maybe we'll get to use g*ndams? Dude! That's so dope!" Gordon said as he imagined piloting a 60 ton beast of an armor.

"I don't think so. A g*ndams movement is very inefficient on the energy side. And a big chunk of metal with a lot of moving parts is just begging to break within the first few movements."

Morgan retorted his brother's words once again.

They continued discussing while moving within the big empty lot. The space was wider than the stadium's open area. There was barely any details on the flooring in the area, that meant that it was made to be empty.

"Something big. Something strong!" Gordon did not listen to his brother's logic.

"Hmm. This place is pretty empty, don't you think it's just like Gordon's head?" Morgan said.

"Dude, no need to be that harsh." Gordon looked at his brother with a teary eye.

"Don't worry, it's just a joke." Morgan assured Gordon.

"Ahaha. That was a good one." Brian laughed it off.

'Jokes are half meant tho?' Georgie thought to himself.

It was a great moment for a couple of friends. The senseless banter and the jovial laughter of boys in their youth was a stark contrast to their uniforms. They were wearing military uniforms while wandering around in their free time.

'It's sad.' Adam thought to himself.

'But it is what the world requires.'

Adam did not like the fact that children of their age have to arm themselves and learn to fight just to survive. He worked hard to change the world in his past lives but in the end, it all changed with Weyah's childish whims.

"Hey! What's this?" Gordon exclaimed as he approached a mark on the floor.

It was a circular mark in a random place. It had a cryptic symbol and it had a red theme.

"This is where we found Adam. He was stuck under a massive boulder and his lower body was crushed just like a popped pimple." Brian explained.

"It was a miracle that he stayed alive for that long. There was a lot of blood on the floor once we got him out. It was more than what a human body could contain." He continued.

Adam nodded his head. Although he could not remember anything, he stayed alive much longer than he thought. He was sure that he died as he saw his HP drop to 0.

"Did you tell the Grandpa about it, Brian?" Adam asked.

"I didn't. Strange, Lilith and Eve shouldn't have said anything either."

Next chapter