"Hey kid. What was your name again?" Tim asked Brian.
It was a funny thing. They spent the whole day---even though a day is now only 12 hours---together, they haven't had the chance to introduce their names. Tim asked for Brian's name as he was tired of calling him kid and that he wanted to give respect to his life's savior.
"My name is Brian sir. Brian Wordsworth." Brian said his full name.
"Nice to finally get to know you, Brian. I'm Tim, Adam's father if you haven't noticed." Tim replied with his name in kind.
'Should I ask about what just happened?' Tim was torn within himself.
He knew that Brian was keeping the use of magic a secret. Brian wouldn't have revealed himself if Tim was never in danger. However, it was they were currently undergoing a crisis. He needed everyone to cooperate and being able to trust everyone is better for them as a group traveling together.
"Care to explain why you can use magic, Brian?" Tim asked him anyways.
Brian went silent for a while. He heaved a sigh of relief and then started talking.
"I can feel the mana within me ever since I was born. And I started to use it." Brian made an excuse.
He deliberated whether to tell Tim that he was from another world. He realized that he wasn't in Tepatria at all. He never heard of a continent in Tepatria that had advanced technology but was unaware of magic. Basinfall, his origin, was a continent of mages and he himself is a mage.
"And I don't know since when I was able to manifest my intentions and affect the nature around me." Brian said another lie.
He can't outright just say that he was from another world. It was all speculation for him at the moment. He hasn't had the chance to confirm that this world was indeed not Tepatria.
'Maybe this is a hidden continent within Tepatria.'
He also had those thoughts within him. So it was best that he keep his secrets for now.
"I understand." Replied Tim.
Tim was skeptical of the information Brian said to him. However, he had nothing to add to the conversation regarding that topic, he didn't have anything to refute Brian's word. So he just left the conversation at that.
"Hey Brian." He chose to change the topic.
"What is it, Sir Tim?"
"Can you blow the entrance away with magic?" Tim asked for mischievous destruction.
Brian recalled the subway entrance for a while. After some time, he nodded his head.
"I can, but I don't think I have enough mana right now." Brian said.
He used four spells earlier. While Protective Shell was a standard spell, he used a greater spell right after. Greater Repel Projectile cost him quite a lot of mana. Light healing was just the most basics of healing so it didn't cost a lot of mana.
He didn't have a lot of mana reserve. His mana capacity is too small, reason being he was still very young. He might know how to cast the spell but it is useless if he could not provide enough mana for chanting.
Tim listened to his every word. He kept to himself for a while too. He was taking in the fact that magic exists and that this kid can do it. He was also taking into account mana capacity.
"Tell me, Brian. Does mana mean energy?" Tim finally said after thinking.
"Yes, it is the energy to change the world to your will. However, imagination is key when trying to spells." Brian replied in a textbook manner.
Magic changes the nature around the caster. Brian left out the portion of studying spells as he deemed it unnecessary to do so. That is why tomes are fundamental as they are journals and is full of information about why the spell within the tome works.
"How long do you have to rest to recover your, ehrm, mana?" Tim asked Brian as he scratched his face.
"I think I have enough mana for 1 cast of the spell. However, that would mean my body would be left with no mana at all. I would faint if I drain myself of mana." Brian explained as he sat down.
"So a short break should be enough for me to regain enough just so I don't pass out." He continued.
They both made it out of the entrance of the subway. Upon seeing the still devastated city, Tim sighed and sat down. He was sleepy.
He took this opportunity to get some shut eye while Brian simply rested with him. As he was falling asleep, Brian took a stroll near the ruins of the entrance.
He made it towards an apartment unit. It was destroyed to the point that there were no walls left to protect whatever was inside. He found a wardrobe that was barely standing, but it was a bit too damaged.
Brian checked himself, he wasn't wearing anything. He got used to wearing only a loincloth because he was in a forest. However, now that he was traveling with people, he needed clothes.
The wardrobe has rubble around it and it was broken to pieces. The insides were full of clothes that were covered in dust and debris. Brian made his way into the unit and went straight for the wardrobe.
He did not need to open it as the covers were broken beyond repair. He could just pick any clothing from within.
He had a hard time looking for clothes that fit him. He had to dig through all of the clothes before he could find anything worth his time. After a while, he soon found clothing that fit him. They were children's clothing of course.
He found a selection of clothing. They were designs that he had yet to see from Tepatria. He didn't want to be fashionable during this time and looking at the amount of clothing the stylish ones had, they're just uncomfortable.
'Ah, this one should be okay. And this one too.'
He found two shirts that were very casual. It doesn't restrict movement and it didn't feel heavy. It was the best for ease of movement and would most certainly be the best choice. The designs were rather simplistic as well.
One had a goat enclosed within a box. The other one had sheep and a dragon having a brawl. He doesn't know the context of the shirts but he decided to keep both of the shirts.
'I'll give this one to Adam.' Brian thought to himself as he held the goat shirt.
He immediately wore the sheep and dragon shirt. However, he found it awkward. He took a look at himself and soon realized why the feeling was awkward. He wasn't wearing any underwear or pants.
He scrounged the wardrobe for pants.
After that ordeal, he went back to see that Tim was still enjoying his nap. He was excited to show Tim his new clothing, shorts and a shirt. His looks went from 0 to 100 real quick.
A few minutes passed. Brian deemed his rest enough for him not to pass out after casting the spell necessary to destroy the debris covering the entrance to the subway. He got up from his seat and woke Tim up from his nap.
"Huh. Oh, are you ready?" Tim asked with groggy eyes as he woke up.
"Yes. Let's get this over with."
Brian readied himself and started imagining the spell he was about to use. He put both of his hands forward. The air around him changed as almost all of the mana in his body went out of his body. It gathered in the air in front of him and the pure energy started to move.
The gathered energy stopped on the piles of rubble. The mana then collapsed within itself, forcing all of the energy in one point. The result is a very small speck of energy which was very unstable. It was nearly microscopic but its presence can be felt even by Tim who isn't familiar with magic.
"Explosion!" Brian screamed as he clapped his forwarded hands together.
The piles of rubble that blocked the entrance were spread throughout but in very small pieces. Most of the debris was thrown further into the subway station, but some were thrown back towards Tim who stood at the side.
What an unlucky man.
Subsequently, the rest of the party heard the loud explosion. They were alarmed and Jenny suddenly went bonkers. She stood up and immediately traced the origin of the sound. She was worried about Tim.
"TIM!!" She screamed as she ran forward.
Adam on the other hand is experiencing post traumatic syndrome disorder. This caused him to remember some of his past and that would mean-
Memory : 2%
A rise in his memory percentage. However, since it was a single blast, the memory stopped there. But due to this, Adam was listless. He didn't move from his seat and was as still as a rock. Talyn, the marten climbed his back and sat on his head.
Upon arriving at the entrance with difficulty, Jenny saw Tim on the ground holding his head. Together with Tim was Brian who was sitting down in front of Tim. Observing closely, Jenny saw that the hand Tim used to cover his head was bloody.
"Tim!" Jenny was very worried now.
"Honey?" Tim replied to Jenny's loud voice.
Jenny rushed even faster and once she arrived in front of Tim, she saw blood. However, there was no visible wound on his head at all. Jenny stood still, dazed and confused. She did not understand anything at all.
"Oh Tim. You made me worry so much." She cried and she bent down and hugged Tim.
She may be befuddled due to the blood, but she was feeling happiness rather than staying confused. She was happy that her husband wasn't injured or in pain. What a very lovely woman she was.
"Honey, please stop crying." Tim said as he wiped Jenny's face with his right thumb and proceeded to caress her face.
"Come on. Inform the rest. Tell them to come here with our stuff." Tim said weakly.
He wasn't feeling weak, he was just acting weak. Because if he suddenly stood from his position, the mellow mood would be lost and he would be to blame. And due to his smooth talking -
"Okay. I'll call everyone here." Jenny said as she wiped all of her tears. She then began her journey towards the rest of the party.
Brian observed what happened. He was amazed at Tim's skill to control Jenny. Jenny was hysterical and was hard to predict. But Tim used that to his advantage to give her an errand.
'This man is respectable.' Brian thought silently.
"Alright. Let's wait for them for a while." Tim said as he stood and dusted dirt off of his body.
He wasn't wearing his shirt. He looked like your typical man who goes to the gym. Then he wore the shirt he used as a mask earlier.
After some time, everyone made it to the entrance. Jenny was carrying Adam who was looking at nowhere in particular. Ivan was a pack mule, carrying all of their luggage. And Ivan's wife is still deaf.
"Alright everyone. We can use the tracks to travel. There's a path straight towards where we are heading." Tim said with his status as the party leader.
Due to the dangerous nature of the tracks, the party was wary. However they trust Tim who saw how things were inside.
"Alright. We can follow you. However, you need to bring some of these luggage." Ivan complained to Tim.
"Not a problem. Let's go." Tim went inside and the rest followed.
Deep within the depths of the subway tracks. There were many creatures that Tim fought earlier. They were on alert due to the explosion and they were ready to strike.
Everyone made it inside. They soon began their travels and they had a map to rely on. Everything seemed to go so well. Until -
"Reeeeeeee!" They heard a screech that Tim was familiar with.
It went plop and down to the ground. It was shot down by Tim with his AR-15.
He had plenty of spare magazines in his bag. He even has a Glock which he then lent to Ivan due to finding more of the creatures.
"Group up! Once we're outside of this tunnel, we would reach The Vault!" Tim motivated everyone.
The party stayed in a corner and kept a safe distance. Tim told everyone to stay there. He didn't want to get ambushed from behind. After a few magazines were spent, the creatures were no more.
In God's Realm. God was not happy at all. There was no resistance from the humans. He realized that due to speeding up the rotation, all communications were lost and humans became headless chickens running around without order.
'This has to change.' God wanted more fun out of the situation.
"Time to change things up a bit." He declared to himself as he cracked his fingers.