
She is Here

It was wedding season. 

The biting winter wind coiled in from the sea, yet the change of seasons and the chilly cold that frosted the high stone wall and swooping dark roofs of the city of Qiu went unnoticed under the wedding preparations.

Zhang YaYun, out of his kindness of wanting to attend his friends' weddings before his untimely death, had decided to personally wed each of his friends before QingYu pushed the twins out to the world and to oppress his highness.

Madam She and Master She was on their way over from Hei'ang - and so were the remaining 46 sisters of LiangLin.

After hearing Xie JingYi's tales of terror having visited Hei'ang, the guards were on edge as they waited for the supposed in-laws and the rest of the She clan to arrive and make mincemeat out of them. 

Four against 48 snake gods was hardly a fair battle, and the possibility of surviving the ordeal unbruised was a dream at best. 
