
Plague Worshipping Cult (Part 1)

Reason spoke for itself. No matter how hard Jiyan wished to argue the opposite, the situation didn't enable her to refute Mehran's words. When even the 1,500 packs, the 1.5 million mutants roaming the Dark Stone City's streets, gathered and kneeled toward the castle, toward Harun, what else could they do? By spreading her senses to the outside, Jiyan spotted the million-man-strong cult, its zeal like an unstoppable hurricane that swept aside all moral principles in its wake. Meanwhile, though Harun remained in a comatose state, hovering in an orb of unbreakable Sovereign Essence, the incense serpent coiling around him only grew larger, now reaching 30 meters. An ominous feeling welled up in Jiyan's chest, as if that serpent's increasing height represented a deepening gap between Harun and her. More than once, she considered having Mukri summon Heavenly Tribulation, but each time, dismissed the thought. 

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