
Not What It Seems

[Johan's POV]

"Finally, twenty minutes and it's our rest day!"

"Yeah, finally! What a stressful week. Damn!" Christy grouched then stretched her arms above her head. She turned to Jacqueline. "Let's go to BL Lounge later? My throat is itching for beer."

"A word of advice, friend. Stop letting your Boyfie abuse your mouth with his di—" Jacqueline laughed as Christy playfully tugged her hair.

"Bitch. We haven't even had sex for a month now." Christy made a face and leaned back. The chair gave a creak that made everyone feared its base would break from her weight. That would be the third chair in any case. Christy yawned. "We've been busy lately that we're getting less intimate."

"My god, Christy! You're lucky you have a boyfriend, you know?" Thesa rolled her eyes while putting her makeup brushes in a small pouch. "My last was like, five years ago? I feel like my pussy has closed already."

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