
love at first sight

mr.zheng : okey sir i start to arrenge meeting, you go get ready

john : okey mr. zheng i am going please handdle it, and thangks

then john get ready and start steps towareds the conference hall,

lily pov,

lily :oh my god, first time i arrive first to take interview.. but i think i am to early rise here...

were should i have to go were os conference hall..

i start surching it, no one is there so i can ask....suddenly while walking i touch a expensive statchu and he fall on floor.... oh my god (am god of distractions and i again brock this) i turn around and saw no one is there... so i decide to run i turn back and start contdown to run... but after few steps and bump on someone. (i am frozed on my place... while sweating hard.. my hart skipbit in fear... i am just unable to look up towards face... i bowed again and again and start saying sorry....

and suddenly i heared laughing sound...

i turn around and saw a person is laughing...

he : he never ever can give you mercy.

me : why?

he :ha ha ha look upside..

i turn my face up and saw its a maniac....now am filling embarrass.

me : ah! am sorry.

he : ha ha now also your asking this for mercy.

me: not him but you

he : why?

me : am sorry again and start crying like a child.

he turn to that direction and saw his favorite statchu get brocked into pices on floor...

i start bowing again and again while crying like a child

he :(wow this girl isnt get full by his sorry... yah its my favorite but but now i want to replace it... but when i turn towards her... i dont know why but i love her crying eyes and her style to say sorry.. wait i am laughing right now.. wow after some years i am laughing like this...)

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