
Chapter 591: Deluded

Erica stepped away, a sob lifting her shoulders. Mom glanced at her, breaking the hold we'd both held on each other. When Mom's eyes met mine again, she calmed enough the Council magic fell away, though I could still feel it bubbling around her edges.

"Damn you, Syd," Mom said, spinning away from me, feet thudding on the floor as she paced toward the table. "You had to disobey me, didn't you?"

"I don't believe you," I said as my own anger faded, now numb, my body dull and heavy as shock set in. Almost as if she'd physically injured me. "You let those covens be destroyed. You let Mia's magic be stolen. All to keep this quiet."

Mom's rage returned, though she had a firm hold on her power this time. She spun back, voice an unrecognizable shriek.

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