
Chapter 399: Under Arrest

I couldn't make out Sassy's words, but the meaning was obvious. I knew swearing when I heard it in any language.

Part of me wanted to join him rather than sit and simmer with my arms crossed over my chest and my face set in a mask of absolute fury. After all, I already knew why he was so angry.

We'd been set up. And not in a subtle way, either. Not even close. The attempt to make Meira and I use our foreign magic, illegal on Demonicon, was so blatant if I did start swearing it would be accompanied by some fireballs and the odd explosion for good measure.

Meira fumed beside me, and I could only imagine the look on her face mirrored mine. I refused to look at the massive guards surrounding us, to acknowledge them in any way. I was not giving them even a moment of my attention after they clearly abandoned us to be ambushed, only to show up at the most convenient time for our arrest.

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