
Chapter 338: Unpacking My Life

Unpacking took less time than I expected, and it wasn't long before everything I had was in order. Turned out all the clothes fit perfectly inside the wardrobe, no doubt a quirk of living on a witch floor. Just when I thought I couldn't stuff one more sweater inside, the hangers parted and room was made. As I stood back to close the door, I realized how much of a clotheshorse I'd actually become.

Alison's fault. I shied from thinking about her, setting the photos of the boys next to the one of Meira and me last Halloween, Gram sticking her tongue out at the camera in the background. I frowned a little, remembering how I'd looked for a picture of Mom, something to bring with me, but hadn't been able to find one. Of Dad, either. Though my vampire Uncle Frank and his undead girlfriend, Sunny, graced my night stand.

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