
Chapter 101: We'll Never Be One

There was only so much crying into my pillow I could take. Mom took one look at me and let me retreat to my room, joining me later with a tray of snacks, but leaving me in peace. Even Sassy didn't say a word and he usually gave me a hard time for being such a whiner.

I joined Mom and Meira for dinner, but the conversation was pretty much just the two of them. Even my little sister seemed quiet though, so it was a depressing twenty minutes.

I was about to retreat back to my room to sulk when Uncle Frank arrived. His appearance instantly jerked me out of my own worries, remembering his concerns about Sunny, but that faded as she walked through the door behind him.

I loved Sunny. Even though she was this really old vampire with enough power to probably tear me apart, she was the sweetest person I knew. I lined up for a Sunny hug when I caught the look Uncle Frank gave Mom.

Something wasn't right.

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