
Chapter 50: Practice Makes Perfect

Book Two: Witch Hunt

I had the tune, no problem. It was the words eluding me. The latest pop song to make it to the top of the charts circled around inside my head, the lyrics begging to be recalled and hummed to the catchy melody. He loves my pain? He loves the rain? He lives in Spain? I struggled as my mind wandered, feeling the right words on the tip of my brain. Damn it, what was the line?


I thought I had the words right by now. I sang it in my best friend Alison's car on the way home. She knew every word, maybe I could call her and have her tell me. Or I could download the video and find out that way.


It drove me crazy. I hated when I couldn't remember. My mind wanted to make up new lyrics and I refused to be one of those losers who everyone picked on because they sang the words wrong.

"Sydlynn Thaddea Hayle!"

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