
Chapter 231: Ready For More

The two of us dodged more girls with more platters, hurrying past the dining room door. I glanced inside, delighted to see a full house, not unusual for a Saturday morning, with a small group waiting for yet another girl to clear a table for them. Part of me itched to help out, but Daisy guided me to the side board and the computer in the foyer, as if sensing I was about to interfere in her domain. Not that I was a control freak or anything. But she and Mom both had to rather firmly guide me away from trying to do everything and let them handle their parts of the puzzle since they'd signed their contracts in May.

Okay, so I was used to being the numero uno around here. They just had to be patient.

Daisy walked me through the list of pending check outs and check ins, our morning devoured by chatting with guests and working out kinks that she'd caught in our lineup. Leave it to her to save our butts time and again. She really was good at this, better than I'd ever been.
