
Chapter 42: Wands from Other Magical Beings

The proceeding magical beings are the ones most commonly used in the cores of magic wands. However should you choose to continue your studies in wand lore, you will learn about other beings used less often when crafting wands:

Brownies - Brownies are very loyal household spirits that love to help the members of the family that they serve. However, brownies become angry and destructive if not respected and properly fed. Brownie wands include brownie hair, which has the elemental Earth and either the phase Light or Darkness, depending on whether they are happy or angry.

Centaurs - Centaurs have the bodies of horses but with the upper bodies of people replacing the heads and necks of the horses. Living deep within large forests, centres avoid contact with humans, whether mundanes or mages. As with humans, centres are neither inherently good nor bad. Centaur wands have hair from the tails of centaurs in their core. Centaur hair has the elemental Earth and the phase Twilight.

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