
Chapter 57

Leigh sat in the Principal's office and breathed deeply. It felt like foreign territory. She'd spent two years building a working relationship with Mr. Ryckle, but he'd retired at the end of the last school year. Ms. Taladut was made acting-principal while the board dithered over hiring a replacement. Ms. Taladut was also the self-appointed expert on the special needs students.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," Ms. Taladut said as she sat down behind the desk. She pulled Ryley's file out and opened it front of her. "I see Ryley is having some troubles again."

"I have suggested to Mr. McRoy several times that Ryley does not do well under pressure. If he's not disrupting class, it is better to let him follow at his own pace. Ryley wants to learn, but his capacity for learning is severely limited." Leigh focused on staying calm.
