
Lia's New Look

Name: Lia Straellum

Race: Adult Scion of the Azure Dragon

Tier: 10

Titles: Princess of the Blue Dragonoids, Scholar of History, Toxin Master, Azure Successor

Level: 1

HP: 6,500 MP: 6,500 SP: 6,500

STR: 5,300

VIT: 6,200

DEX: 6,600

INT: 6,800

WIS: 6,700

MND: 7,000

As expected, her stats are mostly weaker now than they were before, but the change isn't by much. Lia was level 30 before this and now being level one, her stats have much more room to grow. Compared to the base stats I had at level one, Lia beats me in every category by a few thousand. Actually, if it wasn't for my Soul Furnace bonuses she would still beat me in every way.

"So how do I look?" Lia asks.

"Nice. Your body is similar to mine so that should makes you a Spirit Dragon like me," I say.

Lia shifts to her humanoid form and we find a few minor changes in her appearance. For the most part, she hasn't changed, but the colouration of her hair and the scales on her tail and wings have changed colour to match the Azure Dragon.

"I learned a few new things while I was in that cocoon," Lia says, "like why I was a descendant of this Azure Dragon, despite not being from Shengdi. I also learned how to manipulate Divine Energy like everyone else around here, I think this can also help you form your own Divine Essence, Cory. However, this talk will have to wait until later, now that the inheritance process has been completed, the barrier outside won't last for much longer."

"So since you're a Dragon now just like Teacher, can we fight those guys outside?" Wanjing asks.

"Unfortunately, the answer to that is no. I am in some ways stronger than I was before and I have a bunch of new abilities, as a whole, I am weaker due to the drop in my level. The four outside are people just like me but with a much higher level, perhaps if it were just the White Tiger siblings we could do it, but not with the Black Tortoise and Vermilion Bird backing them up. They have higher stats than Cory with abilities that can rival Aurelia."

"So what should we do? I all for running away, but we're kinda trapped, aren't we?" I ask.

"Not quite, there is a passage I can access beyond the head of the crystal carving, a hidden door just like before. If what I learned is correct, this should lead us to the back end of the forest. After we leave, I'll transform and we can all escape on my back since I can fly unlike you."

"That's so unfair, I've been a Dragon for so much longer than you and I even have control over the air, but all I can do is glide! I call foul!"

With a deep sigh, Aurelia says, "you are the last person who should be calling out others for being unfair."

"Don't worry Cory, I'm sure you'll be able to fly soon... or someday. Let's get moving though, we don't have much time."

This is a short chapter since I have a fever and headache. I initially wanted to get more in, but it will have to wait. I can't guarantee that I will have another chapter tomorrow just like before, but I'll try to get something out if I can, even if it is a short one like this.

Have a nice day everyone. Unlike me, try to stay healthy.

Akkre_Kojuuincreators' thoughts