
Soul Evanescence - Part 3

* Aero Chord - Shadows (feat. Nevve) [Monstercat Release] *

"Aella!" Zeru yelled while checking on his sister. It wasn't weird that she had fever, but it was weird that her skin was so pale.

Her skin would usually be a hint of blushing pink whenever she had fever. But now, she almost resembled a ghost. 

Her hair was a bright pink that made her look almost too angelic. Seeing her in this state gave Raven an ominous feeling.

It was similar to the time she had almost lost Maya and Maria. Just thinking about it made her aura swirl violently inside her body while her expression started to turn ice cold.

Unbeknownst to her, it was her mind's way of protecting itself; it just shuts down her emotions' pathways and becomes as emotional as a robot.

"Raven!" Kayla shook her out of her trance instantly to avoid any disasters. 

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