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The tunnel revealed to Yu Yanling and Zhang Wang was a desolate one.

It was without much personality or identity of its own, not so different from the myriad of tunnels that Zhang Wang had experienced and traveled in his time.

Like the rest of the road traveled, it sported some torches that inhabited the sides of the tunnel to encourage light. There was nothing odd about the place…yet.

That was until Zhang Wang kept walking and then he spotted a particular shift in the air. There was power present, something that swirled in the air. He quickened his pace. Behind him, Yu Yanlin followed without a word.

Down the hallway was a turn but just as they rounded the corner, they came upon a wall of stone.

Or at least it appeared to be so to the naked eye. However, there was such strong spiritual energy emitted from the structure that it was practically asking to be examined. Zhang Wang couldn't tell if he was being played the fool here or what. 

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