
Meeting the emboidements pt3

"That was eventful" I muttered as I walked out of the hallway, I don't understand it, I just made a declaration that I would be me and not let my pressure get to me, and It just left me.

"I an certain it was." a voice spoke out to me

"Death?" I called out confused

"Try again sweetie."

I looked around and spotted a girl who looked very similar to Death, She had a dark pink color scheme, kind of reminding me of Ssj Rose.

"Who are you" I asked curiously and with slight anxiety, "one of the emboidements?"

She smiled seductively.

Actually now that I mention it, I did we her near the woman I recalled her being mentioned as love. so..

"The name is lust." the woman replied before she white litteraly appeared in front of my face, I was frozen, I think she paraylized me or something.

"nteresting, I see what Death sees in you, the power the personality, the soul, it is different then everyone else, " her body touched mine. she started strocking my body, I shivered, "D-death!"

I immediately found death to my side glaring at her feircely.

"Back off, lust, he's mine."

"Oh, you recognize me sister?" Lust asked sardonically "didn't you confuse me with love?"

Death's face darkened. Her glare could incenerate multiverses.

"Fuck off lust," Death snarled.

Lust pouted, "Fine fine, don't get your panties in a twist," she let go of me and let me gain control, I sighed in relief as I rolled my wrist.

She turned to leave but Not before glancing at me "well if you ever get tired of death just call me Kay?" she gave me a seductive smile and winked causing me to blush slightly.

"Out!' Death barked causing lust to roll her eyes before vanishing in a swirl of dark pink flames.

I stared at where list have just vanished, "You have interesting siblings." I mananged.

"You have no Idea," Death sighed " let's return before we encounter more."

I nodded and she laced my hand with hers before vanishing


"You what," I stared at Gaia in bewilderment. She had just told is what she had done during our leave, when I had asked her, and while I am glad it wasn't as I feared it would be, it was still crazy to hear.

Death just looked at us with a stoic expression.

"Yes that was exactly what I did," Gaia said blankly "I do not regret it."

I could only sigh, "to hell with this I AM going to bed."

I walked only to be pulled back by a now lustful lookong death, "Since you have been accepted by my siblings I think this calls for a celebration...a... reward."

She started to strip.

my eyes grew wide.

Gaia looked at her and smiled, before doing the same.

"They looked really hot without clothes, I took a step back, "Are you sure you want to do this," I asked only to find myself onto my back and straddled.

Death smirked at me as I looked at her, an it her hand on my chest and started to grind against me, "Yes we are idiot, relax and let us take care of it."

I glanced at Gaia and saw her walking slowly towards me with a smirk onto her face that mirrored deaths.

It seems that I am losing my virginity, I thought feeling anxiously,

(Lemon start)

-Incert imagination.

(Lemon End)

I panted as I stared at he unconcious, forms of both death and Gaia, I was wrong, the sex felt so much better than just masturbating, I can't explain it it was just the soft, right, and right, My dick was then one to make gaia unconcious, but for death, I had to use the transformation technique.

God bless that technique, as I had made many uses from that.

I got her to be able to call me master as well.

That alone gives me a sense of pride, I glanced one more time at gias and deaths. corpse before smiling and laid back, as I slowly drifted myself to sleep.

another chapter done, tthanks or your support, thtis has been a very fun ride, and have a lot of plans ifor this story in the future, take care stay safe and have a nice day.

Jake_Knightcreators' thoughts
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