
The shock of the century

When I woke up the next morning it was to Shoto poking me awake. I yawned and groaned at being woken up early. "Too early~," I groaned out.

"Actually if I woke you up any later according to your schedule we would be late." I perked up after that sitting straight up in bed. I bolted to my closet grabbing my uniform for school and my towel. I rushed into the bathroom showering very quickly even using my speed quirk.

I dried myself off pretty well, slid my uniform on, and rushed on my makeup. I finished up sped into my closet once more setting my pajamas on the table. I sped out of the closet to see Shoto wasn't there anymore. I deactivated my speed quirk and picked the puppies up. I gave them their morning kiss and cuddle.

I hurried down the stairs with them setting them down on the couch, I gave Shoto and Touya a quick kiss on the cheek and went to the kitchen. I grabbed three granola bars giving two of them to Touya and Shoto. I yawned before picking my bag up thanking last night me for putting my stuff in it already.

I took the puppies outside for a bit then we went back inside. I smiled at them and grabbed my bag once again. This time walking out the door with Shoto and Touya. We stepped into my car, I let Touya drive since he insisted. I shrugged and we drove to UA. Sure in the future I may be planning to betray the school, but(!) I cared about my education.

We arrived shortly at the school, I saw that the front of the school was busier than normal, I sighed and got out. They flocked around me, I clapped my hands and they gave me some room. I sighed but answered questions gesturing for Touya and Shoto to go ahead.

I had been answering questions for a while until a dreaded question came up, 'Mr. Midoriya was that a hologram?' I paused and they knew they had hit the jackpot. I cleared my throat and shook my head slowly. "No, it was not a hologram they simply made it look like a hologram through editing magic, they also edited in me crying." I sighed and made a line motion with my hands. "That's all the questions I'm answering today," I yelled loudly earning groans from the crowd.

I walked into the campus slowly and rushed once I saw the time. I rushed into the classroom exceeding Iida's speed. "Morning!' I chorused. Aizawa looked impressed with my authority but looked concerned. I saw they had been watching the channels again and sighed, concerned that my being famous was going to cause some problems.

"Midoriya you were allowed to stay home today if you wish, I assumed you would seeing as you missed out on the vacation." I shrugged and sighed.

"I don't need it, I think I would've just been busy today too, I don't mind coming to school Mr. Aizawa, plus I was a little excited for the get to know things." I smiled reassuringly at him and he just sighed and turned the channels off.

"Alright as Midoriya said your homework was to fill out a get to know sheet, you will be presenting the sheet in front of the class. Starting with the bottom going to the top." the first up was a girl who had an invisibility quirk. Hers was interesting, then it continued up to Kiri, I smiled at him and he smiled back.

I liked his presentation. It was informative. After a few more people it was Kacchan's turn. I smiled as he did it with his vigor. I smiled rather widely at Shoto's presentation exposing the little secret that Touya and he were brothers. The page most people hadn't filled out except the ones who were dating someone was also exposing the fact I was in a love triangle with the two brothers.

I caught a look of wonder in most of my classmates' eyes. When I met their eyes they blushed rather hard. I got the idea they were thinking a little dirty at the third student that did that. I smirked and finally, it was my turn. I carried myself rather gracefully up to the front and smiled at everyone reading the questions until I had to breathe deeply to prepare myself. "My stepdad is Orokana jāku." I heard a few people laugh at his name I smirked to myself. "My birth father is Hiroshi Midoriya, My mother WAS-" I emphasized the was to explain I didn't have a mother anymore, "Inko Midoriya, My significant others are Shoto Todoroki, and Touya Todoroki. I have had a job before I rather not tell," I caught Kacchan's eye and he smirked sticking his tongue out, I looked at the next question coughing a bit before I read it aloud, "I am not a virgin." My cheeks felt warm as I read this and glared at Mr. Aizawa. "That's about it, Im just Izuku Midoriya," I smiled at everyone and walked back to my seat.

"That was everyone! You have the rest of the period free!" I smiled and looked at Shoto and Touya.

I was a little hot so I took my coat off. I heard some people gasp at my bandages. I looked alarmed clearly not having thought this through. 'You really weren't lying when you said it wasn't a hologram!' I sighed and took my shirt off also showing everyone that I had longer slits in my back, more bandages, and the fact I was definitely much more muscular then they thought. "Yeah, I was in a coma for two days, it was because of things such as Stress, Injury, being sleep-deprived, and other things. The night/morning before going to sleep for a long time I had an override of quirks. My wings quirk had evolved, I had gotten about ten other quirks, and I had been in major pain. But I really don't know how to show it with my frozen expression." I heard large gasps and cries of horror but I just waited knowing if I didn't I would override with rage.

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