

''Don't worry. Izzy just have a hard time expressing his emotions'' Sara placed the plate of pancakes on the table and went to sit next to Leah.

''All I see is a spoilt brat who wants things to always go his way''

''I know it can be hard especially working for Izzy. Anyone in his shoes would be grumpy. He was a very virile man and now he can't even do anything by himself''

''But, it still doesn't mean he should treat people like that''

''I apologise on his behalf''

''You don't have to apologise. From now, I will only do my job. When I'm hungry, I will sort it out myself''

''Leah, I know you are hurt by his words but don't let it get to you. I have to go for grocery shopping, do you need anything?''

''No, I'm fine. Thanks Sara''

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