
The Wolf's Story

"Let go?" I blinked at the wolfman's answer. "Of what…?"

"Of the past. You're right, I should've lived to fight another day. But y'know… I just ain't that type of person. I'm headstrong, and stubborn. Always been that way. My little sister… she used to berate me over that again and again. I was constantly annoyed about it, until… ah."


"… She died."

I opened my mouth in surprise, but then closed it again and only muttered a single phrase.

"… I'm sorry."

"Heh. And what kind of idiot are you, apologizin' to your enemy on the battlefield? Relax. It was a long time ago."

"What was she killed by?" I asked before I could to stop myself. The wolfman didn't seem to mind though, and instead only fell silent briefly. For a moment, I thought the guy had died, but was quickly corrected as he suddenly spoke again.

"… Magic."

"… What?"

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