
Let The Battle Begin

I was waiting with Lilith outside of a small bunker in the middle of nowhere. We're both sitting in the bushes. Doggy managed to locate Arden's location and we execute our plan on sending a bait. Cobalus got captured, and Callisto knows why.

"A magic suppressant," I mumbled.

"Io and the other demons must've unable to detect the magic implemented inside the cell Arden is in. The spell could suppress any kind of magic, including demons. The thing is, this magic is supposedly vanished a long time ago. This Laizar guy had a very strong mage," Callisto explained. He yawned afterward.

"Then how do we save him without getting our magic suppressed?" I frowned. "That seemed impossible,"

"It's possible," Lilith joined in. Callisto and I looked at her in unison. Lilith smiled happily. "I know a little bit about strong mages and their spells. Magic suppressant is a strong spell indeed. It's how mages capture demons. Solely for demons,"

"!" I blinked. "So, it only worked on demons?"

"Correct," Lilith nodded.

Callisto glanced at me with his sleepy eyes, then smirked. "You have to beat the mage by yourself,"

That sounded scary. Can I beat a powerful mage all on my own?

"... Is Laizar in there? or any powerful mages?"

"Surprisingly, there's only one mage in the bunker," Callisto said. "One mage, but he seemed very strong,"

"Heh, Laizar is underestimating me...,"

Lilith and Callisto looked at me in silence. The two of them flinched when I started to giggle. Then the soft giggles turned into huge laughter. Callisto and Lilith looked at each other, then back to me.

Their faces turned pale.

Then, they're quickly pressed into the ground.

I can't stand this anymore.

Why do I have to be scared of a mere mage?

I have Balam's willpower. I have the rest of my demons, I could easily summon all of them just to beat this one mage.

I'm not supposed to be scared.

If I was father, I bet he would walk right up to the mage and uppercut him to oblivion.

"Come out, mage!" I screamed.

Lilith looked flustered. "Y-Young master?!"

Callisto grinned. "Ha, he's gone mad," He tried to get up since I accidentally pressed the two of them because I released my willpower. "I like this,"

Lilith looked at Callisto as if he's gone mad as well. "B-But, we couldn't help young master if the mage cast a large-ranged magic suppressant!"

"Lilith," Callisto started. "You think our master would get defeated easily? with that monstrous power of his?"

The two of them watched me walking up to the middle of the field. The bunker is right in front fo me.

I stopped walking when I saw someone in a purple robe appeared in front of the entrance. His hands are pocketed, and his face is plastered with an arrogant smile.

"That was fast. I thought I have to capture more demons," The mage said.

"... Where are they?"

The mage is smart enough to understand that I'm implying to my demons. The mage patted his pockets. And I heard rattling noises. The obsidians are in his pocket.

This mage must be so strong to be able to cast a magic suppressant and capturing my demons. Not all mages are strong like this one. Even Christopher isn't able to capture one demon without a fight.

I can't let my guard down.

A quick note to avoid any confusion :

Demons are indeed, the strongest being in this story. Just because this mage could capture so many demons, doesn't make the fact that demons are weak. This mage is simply powerful, like elder mages that could store demons in containers for the sake of peace in the kingdom.

Christopher, compared to this mage, is a lot weaker ^^

coffiecreators' thoughts
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