

The twins, Leorys and Sehan, are sleeping peacefully in their beds. With Sylvester watching over them while sitting in a chair near the window while reading a book. He's kind of anxious because he'll attend boarding school next year. He's already twelve, but he felt he's still having trouble socializing.

Sylvester sighed and closed the book.



Sylvester almost fell from the chair when he saw Edgar is on the window. He grinned widely and waved his hand. Sylvester exhaled and put his hand to his chest.

"Sorry. I'm just bored because nothing is going on outside," Edgar said, sitting on the window frame, and swung his legs around.

"You shouldn't neglect your duty. Especially when it's ordered directly by father," Sylvester said as he put his book to the table.

"I know. There's Juno inside with him anyway; he's safe," Edgar said.

"Hm," Sylvester only hummed. "... But don't you think it's a bit quiet down there?"

"?" Edgar tilted his head a little. He tried to listen carefully.

The music stopped, and instead of laughter, it's just quiet chatter.

"I should check what's up," Edgar said. He then jumped off the window.

Sylvester shook his head. "Show off," He said to himself while giggling a little.

He laid his back comfortably to the chair, closing his eyes because they felt a little heavy from reading too much.

[Knock, knock!]

"Hm? Come in," Sylvester opened his eyes.

The door abruptly opened; it was Juno.

Watery eyes, they're red. It's like he just saw his own grave. Sylvester stood up from the chair. Anxiety welling up inside of him.

"What's wrong?" Sylvester asked.

"... I-It's," he muttered quietly.

Is this how it feels of losing someone you love with all your heart? There were so many mixed feelings, and a black cloud was blocking my mind. I'm unable to process anything. Feeling of pain? The pain is so overwhelming at the point where I couldn't react to it. Anger, confusion, grieve.

The sounds around me turned into a hum. Suddenly I just couldn't understand anyone's words.

The doctors said she's getting better. Then why is she suddenly gone? Just like that?

My watery eyes peered to my father who's calling out mother's name. Juno is standing behind me, with his hands over my shoulders. His hands are cold. I could feel it even through the fabric I'm using.

Sylvester couldn't contain his shock and sorrow. He bawled with his hands on his face, crying his eyes out. Edgar is behind me as well. I turned my head around to see his face.

It all says 'afflicted'.

The twins; I'm guessing they're asleep. How can they handle this?

How can anyone handle this? Is father going to be okay? How will Raphael and Christopher deal with the news while they're still at school?

My clouded mind started to wither, and these thoughts are coming right through me until there's one thought that strikes the core of my heart.

Was she killed?

Don't make that assumption Yuta. It can't be. Rosemary. No, it can't be. The creepy man? Why would he kill her? What's the purpose? Rosemary? No. Stop it Yuta.

It's not... It can't be.

I glared menacingly to Rosemary who's sobbing in the corner with other maids.

... Was she acting?

Is that genuine? Did mother pass away from illness?

I couldn't think. My head is throbbing so bad, and suddenly everything goes dark.

Next chapter