
Chapter 286

"It varies." The man replied "A prince of a nation has different price than a small merchant. Does the Wizard have a name for the many-faced gods."

"I see." He said "How much would I have to pay if I wanted to kill Lord Tywin Lannister?"

"1,300,000 Braavosi gold coins." The man replied and he almost gaped at the price.

With the mountain of gold coins in his castle, he could easily pay that amount. But… for anyone else it was a large amount of wealth.

No wonder the House of White and Black doesn't lack any gold.

"What about King Robert Baratheon?"

"1,950,000 Braavosi gold coins." The man replied.

"Wow… But isn't it easier to kill the King than Lord Tywin Lannister?" he asked. Because it might look like the King was well protected thanks to the Kingsguard but thanks to all his whoring, binging, drinking and hunting, he was fairly easy to kill.

"A man does not sets a price." The man replied and he frowned, wondering who sets the price if not him.

"Who sets the price then?" he asked, knowing well that it might even be the Faceless god himself who sets these prizes.

Because despite him being a non religious person, he knew that gods did exist in this world. He was just not sure if those were really gods or some kind of very powerful magical entities.

The man smiled but did not answer and he chose not to prod in that direction anymore.

"What about me. What's the prize on my head?"


He did gape this time.

"That's… a lot." He said "Can anyone in the world even afford so much gold?" Aside from him that is.

The man didn't answer.

"Why is the price in my head so much? Not that I'm complaining. But still."

"A man does not sets the price." The man replied once again and he realized that he won't be getting any more answers out of him any time soon.

But he could understand.

He had created many different kinds of wards about his room, his castle and his city. And if anyone magical tried to go through those wards he would know. So killing him was not going to be easy. And even if they did succeed in killing him, his death would make the Long Night so much worse.

They both stayed silent for a long moment before he asked "How old are you?"

The man smiled at him in indulgence and replied "82 namedays."

The man did not look 40 years old.

Probably wearing a face then. Just as he had suspected.

"Suppose, I do want to learn how to become a faceless man. What would I have to do?" he asked.

"Give up everything you own." The man replied and he nodded. He had expected something like this.

"I know you might not want gold. But what about an alliance?" he asked "An alliance with someone as powerful as me might come in handy for you."

The man rejected his offer and so he offered the knowledge of his own potions and was rejected once again.

He kept talking with the man for another hour but in the end, he had left the House of Black and White empty handed.

He might go to the Red Priests next.

Though he was pretty sure that they would ask him to follow the Aldrich abomination that they call the Red God.

But then again, considering their greed, he might be able to buy their magical knowledge with a lot of gold.

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