
Chapter 242

He was returning from his meeting and going back to his room and he saw Sansa waiting outside his door. He sighed. He really didn't want this teenage girl drama right now but he doubted he would be able to avoid her for long.

Sansa heard his footsteps and turned to face him. Her eyes were red rimmed, her hair was unkempt and her dress looked disheveled, as if she had not changed it for a few days.

As soon as she saw him, her eyes started watering and she ran up to him and pulled him in a hug.

"Oh Domeric. I'm so sorry." She sobbed in his shoulder "The King betrothed me to Prince Joffrey. Father fought against this decision but his grace won't listen to him. Mother says that I should follow the betrothal and marry the prince like a good lady should. But I don't want to marry him, I want to marry you. I love you Domeric."

She looked in his eyes and leaned in to kiss him.

The action was so shocking that he stood still for a moment. Then he pushed her away by her shoulders and looked at her in incomprehension.

Gods, he knew that the girl was a little infatuated with him but when did she fell in love with him. And did she thought that he loved her as well? Didn't all the cold shoulders he gave her in Dreadfort taught her anything.

Using legilimency probe told him that ever since he first used those compulsion charms on her a decade ago (during Greyjoy rebellion), she have had feelings for him. Over time, when she heard about his deeds from other people, the feelings nurtured.

When she came to Dreadfort, she was still only infatuated with him. A boy who she had only heard rumors about. A boy she only knew from rumors but a boy that she liked. When she lived in the luxury of Dreadfort, she started to conjure the images of a happy future with him. And even when he exiled her and her mother from Dreadfort, she believed that he did it for her mother's behaviour and not because there was anything wrong with her.

The images of a happy future together with him remain buried in her mind and influenced her infatuation with him which twisted over time in an obsessive sort of lust.

He came out of her mind and closed his eyes in discomfort.

This whole thing was resembling the Petyr Baelish and Lysa Tully thing too much for his liking.

But unlike Petyr Baelish, he didn't need her help to rise high in the world. In fact, he doubted that she could help him in anyway even if she wanted to do it.

Not to mention that he might have crossed a lot of lines between good and evil in his life but he didn't want to cross the line of manipulating a little girl who believed herself to be in love with him.

God, what a disaster.

"Sansa." He said "I your never doubt your love for me." Gods, he almost cringed at the words pouring out of his mouth but continued "I too had hoped for a future with you by my side. But the King has decided our futures for us. And we cannot go against the King. If I do so then the king will see me and my loved ones dead before the end of the moon."

"He can't do such a thing." She said midst tears.

"He can Sansa. And as much as I love you… we're not meant to be." He said "You must move on as well and try to find a life with the Prince. Who knows, maybe you'll be happier as a queen then as a lady of a small keep."

"Dreadfort isn't small." She said "And I want to marry you and only you."

Her voice was starting to rise so he subtly cast a sound muffling charm around them. He didn't want rumors about him and Sansa having some kind of affair. That way lead to ruin.

He shook his head and spoke more firmly this time "I cannot do this Sansa. You should leave."

Sansa looked stunned for a moment and then her face contorted into vicious anger "Is this about that whore you keep with you?"

"Excuse me?" he said, more confused than anything.

"Theon told me about the girl you took with you to the North. He told me that you slept with her each night. Is she the reason why you don't want me?"

Gods… this really was starting to resemble Lysa and Petyr too much. Now they even had a Catelyn of their own.

"Sansa…" he paused, not really knowing what he should say in this moment.

Sansa wiped her tears and looked at him with a serious gaze "Do you love her?" she asked.

He opened his mouth to answer but closed it. He did it a few more times before he finally hung his head and nodded "I do. I'm truly sorry Sansa."

Sansa stayed quiet for a long moment, simply looking at him with an strange expression.

Then she took one of his hand and put it on her breast "Then take me."

"What?" he asked with a frown.

"I said take me." She said with more confidence this time she took his other hand and put his on her crotch which he could tell was hot with arousal.

"What?" he asked. Fuck he was feeling an idiot right now. He mentally slapped himself a few times to get a hang of his emotions and used a little Occlumency as well.

He removed his hand from above her cunt but she didn't let go of his hand.

"Take me." She said "I'll come to you at night. You can take me then. Turn me into a woman and do with me what you wish. If I'm ruined then I won't be married to the prince anyway. And then we can live happily together after that. That's why you love that girl right. Because allows you to… to… fuck her."

Even with his emotional control, he was left gaping for a good few seconds.

God… this girl… she was starting to scare him now with how messed up she was acting.

Was she always this delusional and he just didn't notice.

No, he did notice. But she all about Knightly honor and womanly virtues back then, not trying to fuck him, cuckold the prince and live happily ever after.

Oh man… he wondered if he should simply obliviate her and use compulsion charm on her to make her stay away from him.

Because if he rejected her now, when he she had decided to give her all to him. Then…

Well, he had heard about the phrase 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.'

And he definitely didn't want to scorn the future Queen of Westeros.

That is if the Psycho cat-killing prince didn't manage to kill her before that.

Yeah… this was a whole fuck load of bullshit.

He took out his wand and pointed it at her.

She looked at it curiously and he cast the spell.


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