
Chapter 164

"You're going beyond the wall once again boy." Qhorin half hand said as he brought a glass of wine and sat down beside him.

It was the Rice Wine made in his lands. He sent some of it as well as the Whiskey to the Nights Watch every month. It was no match to drinks like Arbor Gold or the Dornish Red but it was the best drink that the men of the Watch could get. And far better than the bitter Ale they usually serve.

"I am." He replied, looking at the logistic report of the expedition army as the men of the Nights Watch and the men he brought with him continued to chatter away around him.

His own men had taken all the seats around him. They were under the guests right, true but there was no point in being reckless.

After all, a lot of people in the Nights Watch were sent here by him and he had no doubt that they still held a grudge against him.

Though he was also pretty sure that Lord Commander Jeor Mormont would have sent those men away to the other castles when the man heard about his arrival.

"The last time you went up North with those thousand man you were just a boy." Qhorin said as he sipped from the cup "When I first heard about you, I thought you were just a stupid boy chasing after glory, destined to die in the cold North. That was before I met you." Qhorin chuckled to himself "Even then, as a boy, you had more sense than many grown men do. And your men. They were well trained to survive the cold."

"They were." He nodded "They're even better trained this time around. And they've even better equipment."

"It's not your men I'm worried about." Qhorin said while shaking his head "The last time you came back from the expedition, you became the first man to do so in centuries. You even brought giants and wargs back with you. That probably won you more glory and reputation than winning any war down in the South will ever do for any Norhterner."

"What are you getting at Qhorin?" he asked, putting down the ledger and looking at one of the most accomplished Night's Watch member. The man was almost a legend, if the rumors about him to were to be believed.

"Your men are well trained. And they're well equipped. Even more than some of the best rangers in the Nights Watch." Qhorin nodded "But the others you brought with you are not. They're but foolish boys, wanting to share any glory that you might earn this time around. Tell me. Why did you brought them with you?"

"I didn't have a choice." He replied and Qhorin snorted into his cup.

"The truth boy. Others might buy your lies but I will not. And I'll have Lord Commander Jeor Mormort stop those foolish boys from throwing their lives away if it becomes necessary."

He looked at Qhorin more seriously this time and smiled "You've become wiser since the last time I saw you Qhorin. Did losing that hand did that to you?"

"You're also become better at flattery but worse in changing subject." Qhorin half hand said "Enough with the games Domeric. Tell me. Why are you taking those boys up North?"

He looked at Qhorin's serious gaze for a moment, using legilimency to find that he not worried about the lives of the boys but the hit that Nights Watch's reputation will take if all those heirs died up North.

Since North was the main supplier or recruits and greatest supporter of the Night's Watch, losing favor with the Northern lords would be a huge loss for the Nights Watch.

"Because it's necessary." He replied in a tone that signified the end of the conversation.

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