
Dried Situation-I

The next morning Seoyeon woke up on her bed feeling herself odd. To know that she was a witch couldn't sink well to her mind. Internally she kept on rejecting to be one but it was something she can't keep on rejecting on. Once she arrived in the company, Seoyeon kept her work productive as ever but by the time she had nothing to do, her mind would wonder off.

Such as now, her eyes stared at the glass window of the company with nothing on her mind. When she was about to turn her head, Jung Hwa had leaned forward to her face. In surprise, Seoyeon retracted her steps in speed, her heart felt pounding as his face nearly came to hers.

Jung Hwa didn't mind how Seoyeon jumped back in surprise. Seoyeon saw how his eyes studying her under his peers and he hummed, "You're out in your own world. Are you still thinking about being a witch?"

Seoyeon drew her brows, her lips quickly denied, "I am not a wi-"

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