
The soulless and the Princess

*Third POV*

"My lady here is the meal for the prince," the maid said, a bottle of milk on the tray she brings in.

Walking towards the bed, being careful not stepping upon the toys lying across the room. The windows which are closed along with the curtains drawn closed. The moonlight shouldn't fall upon the baby, which also known as the bad omen if it does.

"My little Prince Edgar, are you hungry my little prince aren't you," Zoe said as she cuddles the small baby into her arms. Sitting on the bed, her back leaning against the bed board, she takes the milk bottle from the maid's hands.

Her free hand as she checks the temperature of the milk, a drop of milk on her back of her hand. Feeling the temperature is correct in that, she feeds the milk to the baby. A smile spread across her face as the little hands holding her fingers which were holding the bottle.

Zoe gives the sign to the maids to leave her alone as they nod their head walking out of the door. The door shuts behind them, making no sound behind them.

With that, the baby finishes the milk now sucking on the empty bottle. Popping it out from his mouth as she lifts the baby into her arm, his neck resting on her shoulder as she pats on his back.

"You know my little one, your mother works so hard to protect someone precious to her" Zoe had carefully got down from bed as she walks around the room. Toys spread across the room as she walks around patting the back of her baby until he burps.

"Your mother has to don't nothing wrong right she just wants to her little sister from herself right?" Zoe said walking across the room.

Zoe smiles pulling back her little baby curdles him into her arms, who giggles looking at his mother. Lifting his hands up towards his mother cheeks, little hands squeezing it.

"Mama mummaa"

"Yes, my darling it's your Mother, isn't she a good Mother isn't she a wonderful daughter, a wonderful sister, and a good wife right"

"My little prince should felt sleepy right let's put you to sleep," she said walking towards the crib as she sings the lullaby for the back.

Her voice spreads across the room, lighting it up as if it has purified the entire room under her holy voice. The little prince slowly closes his eyes, listening to her mother's voice.

Laying him gently in the crib as she looks at his face as his blond hair, this slowly turns white as snow. Smiling gently she places her hand against his skin with that the hair slowly turns back how it was into the colour it was before into the blond colour.

"How long is it going to last my little prince" Zoe signs in response still smiling looking towards the baby kneeling down beside the crib.

"let me tell you a story as you sleep my little one," Zoe said as the baby opens his eyes once again, closing it as his fingers wrap around the large one.

"Mooo~" the baby mummer's, under his breath.

"The prince came riding on the horse for the girl he loves.

She has been waiting for him." Zoe sings her melody's beautiful voice spreading across the room lighting it up.

Standing near the window, still locked up in the castle of his,

The prince said he adores the princess to keep her locked in the cage.

Love was just an obsession for him.

The princess loves him deep inside she knew the love she wants can't return,

So she flew like a bird, except the one where was no love.

The Knight was the key to her except in the cage.

Both the birds' flew away from there, returning to the prince who loves her

Not just as a pet, but as a human…"

Zoe pauses looking towards her baby a sad smile spread across her face she can feel the tug on her chest, a sudden pain which had been happening to her frequently nowadays. Freehand patting upon her chest lightly.

"She didn't need love, that's what's her mother said.

Power is the one who brings love, not that love brings power.

Knight lost her emotions after he died, whom the princess's stab him with her own hands.

The eyes which held no emotion just like a Knight doll she was,

It meant the hands for protecting her, just destroyed it as Knight did to the princess.

taking away the things belongs to her, the love she was in search for.

The princess wanted to help the Knight girl, to bring back the emotions in the eyes.

The smile she lived for but just to see as she sheds blood without a blink.

Blood on her hand's scars on her body, the princess couldn't see it anymore."

Zoe closed her eyes as her voice crack at the end sings sending shiver pass through her. She can feel her hands turning cold as ice as she blows in between the hands of her baby prince and her. Outside of the crib, the baby turns his face towards her, eyes still closed.

"Knight smiled looking at the princess the smile didn't reach her eyes,

voice blessing for us turned into a curse as she sings bleeding the one to death.

The Knight spirit was going to kill the princes who she left behind.

The princess took the same knife as she slashes it by her own hands.

The voice no longer exits. The princes she loved are safe.

But I lost the Knight spirit as the tears fall from her eyes, looking at the princess.

Eyes now held the emotions which she didn't want to see,

eyes of betrayal the love no longer exits as the Knight smiles which didn't reach her eyes

Princess killed the Knight dear to her the hands which meant for protection

became the reason of her death, the reason for her end?

Last words didn't reach my ear but I know she still loves me,

Knight is back now, held emotions into her eyes,

The one I love is in danger now, I can't let that happen.

Even it means she has to die once again"

"She will protect the one she loves even if the one has to die it doesn't matter" leaning her head against the crib slowly closing her eyes still holding the finger of her little boy. Letting the tears fall from her eyes silently covering her mouth with so her child couldn't hear.

"I'm sor-sorry"


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