
Chapter 899 Innside

Kat and Lily wandered there way back towards the inn after watching the sun set. They couldn't really watch it set over the lake, it was the wrong angle for that, but they did get to watch. As they walked through the streets, Kat was literally projecting an air of tranquillity. It was leaking out of her and starting to affect the surroundings. Neither of the two girls was really paying attention as they made their way back to the inn but Kat's aura was apparently making use of this chance to influence as much as possible after being neglected for a while. 

The radius of the effect was constantly fluctuating, like waves washing across the nearby lake the sphere expanded and contracted with little rhyme or reason but every person it brushed got a little seed of tranquillity embedded in their hearts. It wasn't malicious at all, and actually a rather advanced technique. If Kat knew and tried to replicate this feat later she'd fail. 
