
Chapter 879 Poisonous Options

Xiang looked between the two glaring women and decided he really didn't want to deal with that. On the other hand, there were some things that needed to be dealt with less they be lead to a potentially fatal incident with the poison. Yang might want salt rubbed in her wounds, an understandable if perhaps naive viewpoint. However it seemed to Xiang they were both forgetting about the fact they needed large amounts of water to wash it all away. So Xiang decided to err on the side of pragmatism. 

"Ok you two, that's enough," said Xiang forcefully but quietly, just enough that if they really wanted to, ignoring him was on the table, but he was certainly heard. Apparently it was enough though because they both turned towards him with questions in their eyes, "Kat, I understand that Yang is refusing what might be life saving treatment. I'm glad you seem to accept that she can make that choice,

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