
Chapter 140 The Return

Kat had been leading the worm on a wild goose chase for around an hour now and things really hadn't developed. Sure she'd led the thing plenty far away, and sure it hadn't managed to her Kat in the slightest, but she was down a lot of energy and the worm was also completely unharmed.

Kat looked at her energy reserves and saw they really were lower than she'd like. They sat just below one third of full. Which was actually pretty good. In her hour-long chase Kat had managed to refine her stomping a bit.

Changing minor things like limiting the amount of energy she used, stomping every fifth instead of third step, jumping carefully over or around the worm and using at a quick chance to burn no energy as it reorientated itself after the jump.

Nonetheless, the energy consumption was still a bit much, and Kat could see that the sand skipper was approaching the mist wall. They were still maybe forty-five minutes out or so, but she did still need to fly over to them

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