

I start putting list on the table in front of them.

"This first list is every single spy orochimaru has inside the village. Names, jobs, where they live, what they are supposed to gather, the top of the list is a man named kabuto right hand man of orochimaru. Me and Anko caught him passing information and subjected him to some persuasion to tell us what he knew." I tell them as the old man goes down the list.

"Next is a list of all know a bases and locations of orochimaru. The ones with a red X near them have been cleared out the ones that haven't are blue circles." I pass over a map and what the locations are used for.

The old man goes to ask a question but I hold up my hand.

"This is a list of known criminals in the bingo book that were killed at the sites. Most of these have been turned in at random bounty stations under the alias Reaper. This is a scroll containing important information about orochimarus future plans and some of the things he has done recently including helping danzo implant hashirama cells and sharigan stolen from the Uchiha and yes danzo does work with orochimaru. However you can't really prove anything as he keeps his stuff nice and clean." I pass over scrolls and some more lists.

"These are lists of jutsu I have 'acquired' from the bases and am willing to sell to the village based on rank and provided they be used at the school to help teach civilians who don't have access to available techniques including some taijutsu stances better than the academy style." I had stolen quite a few souls and got a load of neat tricks that are some of the other villages hidden moves.

"Me and Anko would like to be paid for the work of identifying traitors, destruction of orochimarus bases, selling of materials and information found at said bases and any other little tidbits you might think are worthy of mission status once I become a genin that is." I tell the old man who is going over the files.

"And your not planning to tell me how you arrived at these locations or how you effectively killed off all these people?" He asks me rubbing his eyes.

"Nope I don't think it's wise to have information out when you have multiple spies around your office not including the hidden root agents and listening seals. Just count it at my own flash technique." I say with a smile.

"What's to stop me from having you and Anko brought to T and I for investigation?" He asks folding his hand seriously.

I just point at Kushina who already had a blade in her hand and a very demonic smile. "Old monkey are you trying to take my baby from me? Your loss to the village will be a tragic one I can't believe you died from falling on silverware while you were here."

"Wait! I uh was just saying we need to cover up his tracks even more to protect him and of course up his payment as this is a great help to the village." He says quickly as he can tell she isn't joking.

"Oh that's just perfect then. I'll also have to punish Anko for letting my baby go out and hunt down killers and criminals in a mad mans hideout without ever informing me." She says with a smile before getting up and leaving.

"Poor Anko." I say with a smile. "So do we have a deal old man and I'll even grant you a boon. Come let me tell you the secret of getting out of paperwork."

He leans forward eagerly.

"Shadow clones."

"..... How the fuck didn't I think of that!?!?" He shouts banging his head on the table over and over With tears in his eyes. "All these years wasted!"

"Well you could have just pushed all the shit that didn't matter onto maybe like a council of some sort for voting and only worried about the really big ones yourself." I say with a smile.

"Motherfucker! The council could have been doing this shit instead they all just send everything to me." He shouts.

"Seems like they do have their smart moments I'm sure your master input was needed for what was it again? Oh yes the tax of flour from the local farmers. How very important the hokage make decisions on that." I snicker at the depressed man.

"Little brat follow me to the office and help me get rid of my spies." He says storing all the items I gave him in a scroll.

"Sure." I stand up and follow the old man out towards his office.

We act casual as we walk into the room and I count three spies. I quickly use some anbu hand signs to tell the old man. With a flash my scythe is out bisecting the bookshelf as he slams his staff into a floor tile with a crunch. The last one in the roof quickly rushes the old man with a blade only for my weapon to cut through blade and his head dropping him to the floor.

I raise my hand to my lips and pop a little seal. There's a strange discharge as 16 listening seals in the room burst.

"Tsk tsk it seems anbu have fallen in skills these days. 16 listening devices and three potential killers in the leaders office. Yeesh." I say with a chuckle at the four anbu in the room quickly make an appearance.

"Everything that just happened is an s class secret if anyone finds out about his involvement in this I won't need to kill you because his mother will so I'd keep very tight lipped." He tells his anbu who know of Kushina's fury. She is a well known kenjutsu user who carved a path of blood in her prime and is still feared in some places.

Next chapter