
The Last Story

The twilight of evening shone upon the clear and crystalline river waters, making it look like a piece of expired salmon.

At the long bridge of the river, the girl leaned against the railings and was sobbing to the young man.

"You should have let me die. In that case, I won't have to be in such agony!"

This world was filled with evil. It was just like a thug that continuously beat up a young girl, causing her body to be filled with injuries.

"You think that suicide is an act of courage. In reality, it is just a type of escape!"

The young man persuaded, so anxious that his forehead was beaded with sweat.

"It doesn't matter!"

The young girl smiled miserably.

"Emma, life never has the word 'relax' in it. By living on, it's already considered a type of victory. If you can obtain happiness, that would be a great victory!"

The young man persuaded.

"It doesn't exist. I've even forgotten when was the last time I was happy."
