
Part 14~ Confession

A month has passed. Your friendship with Felix grew stronger, and you became to liking him more. You thought of confessing your feelings to him but you're afraid Felix might not feel the same.

You and Ryujin spend you guys recess at the basketball court watching them practice. Ryujin noticed that you kept staring Felix and not leaving his tracks. You didn't tell anyone about your crush at Felix "Why don't you confess to him already?" Ryujin said while chewing on her sandwich. You came back to reality and face her, surprised that she notices you. "You have a crush on Felix, don't you?" She teased you and your stomach filled with butterflies. You are speechless „you don't have to tell me, I knew it since the start„ she winks at you. "Thanks" you replied, she nods.

"But seriously, don't you think it's better for you to tell him how you feel, rather than keeping it? You two look cute together tho", „i want to but, I don't think he only sees me as a friend„. Felix notices you and he wave excitedly, you just smile warmly at him, thinking whether to confess or not.

[ Felix's Pov ]:

"Yo, Felix will you come to practice this evening?" Ask Chan, the leader of the team also Felix's senior. Felix didn't reply him and he frowned his brows, looking at the same direction where Felix is staring at you from afar, laughing with Ryujin. "Hey, what's wrong with those Aussies?" Jisung joke inviting the other members to join 'the so called staring contest'. Chan hit Felix's shoulder causing him to flinch a little "just confess, bro" Felix shook his head „who said I like her„ he tries to deny it "by your attitude, clearly says it all" Minho interrupt. "If you're too scared, let us do it for you! Y/n's just there!" Jisung yelled on purpose, you notice he was waving at you and you were confuse.

Felix stands in front of Jisung, blocking him from seeing you "No! Stop it! You're gonna blow it up!" „come on, hyung. You can do it. Surely she'll accept you„ said the youngest. "Guys, I don't think we should interfere Felix's love life" said Chan pulling Jisung away. "Oh my god! Will you guys stop saying that I like y/n? I did not develop any feelings for her, okay? We are just friends, nothing more above it" he breath out, making the members looking agitated. He turned around. Unfortunately, you had heard his whole confession about you.

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