
Failing to Appreciate a Favor

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

There was no need to reiterate just how terrifying the forces of the royal court could be. The head of the secretariat alone possessed such a formidable cultivation base. What about the captains or elites inside the palace? There were also the Daoist Formations that had never been activated before in the palace. There was also Yu Chenshu, a karmic fire user, and the various cultivation elites in Great Tang's ten Circuits.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Yu Shangrong used his hand as a sword to slash at the avatar.

Wang Shizhong said gruffly, "Retreat!" Then, he quickly unleashed a blast from the red lotus that pushed Yu Shangrong back.

Yu Shangrong was about to manifest his avatar when Wang Shizhong turned around and pushed Wang Shu away. "Leave! I'll deal with him."

At this juncture, there was no longer any hope of having a peaceful discussion. Wang Shizhong, naturally, prioritized his daughter over any peaceful discussion.
